Friday, November 25, 2005

Treeing the Peanutbutter Jelly Time Pie!

I'm not sure what the message is in this cartoon. In this clip, though, it says “plant trees... EVERYWHERE!”

Talk about eighties geekdom.

Yet another shining example of idiot anime fans.

Game Time! Can't tell you too much about this one except just shoot your brains out of planes.

There's Christmas lights, and then there's, well, this.

When did this reach this kind of status?

Nasal spray does what?

I'm not sure if it's the article, or, where the article is found that screams “De-uhhh.” Personally, I'll trust real credible sources, thanks.

Some stories touch the heart. Some stories are just touched.

Oh Gary, not again!

Looking for a new ringtone?

Conan O'Brian joins The White Stripes for their new video.

Dean Gray Don't want to be an American Edit.

Is it me, or is she just trying too hard, these days?

Game Time! Grab the diamonds but watch out for the lazers!

Rut-Roo, Raggy! It's Scooby-Doo like you've never seen, but maybe should have.

Pie or Pi.... Mmm... Pi Pie!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

My inner geek is in conflict with my inner... um, yeah...

Silly, Stupid, and your Scrotum!

Okay, this is so stupid on so many levels.

This is also stupid... but on a whole other level.

We now offer photo evidence of the evil pussy

Game Time! Track Master Fantasy Showdown... Just keep your cursor on the target. Easy, right?

Someone... anyone... please explain this.

One of my favorite bands plays live! (How'd they do that?)

They start them early, now.

Whew... he looks all yarned out.

The Family Guy educates us on the FCC while these Japanese fishermen get in the mix.

Who lives in a pineapple under the... OH MY GODS! MY EYES! MY EYES!

Go on... wake up with The Captain.

Beer! Is there anything you can't do? (Besides get me laid, that is.)

Science builds a better Jello shot. My liver shakes in fear.

Cheeze... I mean cheers...

HAL 9000 tells you what you'll like. Music still sucks.

I got nuthin'.

By the power of numbskull! I have the cos-play!

I'm not sure this really helps...

Here's a bunch of guys we don't have to fear reproducing.

Your scrotum. Know the facts!

So, um, what school was this one, again?

And now you know!

I don't even want to know where Artoo is.

Gotta hand it to this fella... that's good.

Va - room!

And the obvious flaw? No one eats lima beans.

Dude, no one is impressed.

Republicans cry foul over Harry Potter? Shoe's on the other foot, now.

Wait... is he on our side?

Time for some serious reading!

I got nuthin'... except for an urge to poke my eyes out.

Game Time! Defend Your Stronghold! Keep them out of your house. Easy, right?

Tuesday, November 1, 2005

Starting off November...

Well, another Halloween's in the bag. I'm sorry I missed the tradition halloween IronFluff, but I was busy working this year.

I think this bird flu thing is getting serious.

Wait... Sacred underwear?

It's not dress up, it's cosplay.

Okay, this is just creepy.


It's a Homestar Runner Halloween.

Now this is group costuming. It's a regular Mario party!

Now this is what you call ironic.

I got nuthin'.

Game Time! Mouse Avoider... fun at first; then it's like an hour later...

Okay, just try not to laugh.

Did someone say goth cocktails?

Game Time!

I gotta ask; what is love?

Um... nah.

Feel stupid yet?

So, I was out in the woods the other... Nah.