Monday, August 31, 2009

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Problems with Quantum Gravity solved...

Just shit can that whole time and expansion thing.

New environmentally friendly train halted by... environmentalists. Huh?

Knowing both Menlo Park and Atherton well,
I can't say I'm surprised.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Monday, August 24, 2009

La la la la...

It's no secret; I love to do karaoke. It's therapeutic, social, and a great way to keep the old ego in check. And, like most karaoke singers, I do have my favorite host and spot. For me, it's The Swingin' Door in San Mateo every Friday night with Roger Niner.

This graphic? Yeah, I did that as a little thank you for helping me keep my sanity on those long, drunken Friday nights. And just who is the Karaoke Ninja? Now that's an epic tale for another time...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Elevating the drinking game...

Gentlemen, I give you Arkeg.

Stuff: Introduction

(Click to enlarge.)

Well, hello, and welcome to the first installment of "Stuff"; my (attempted) regular weekly comic look into the life and times of... well... me.

I've always enjoyed biography style comics; especially those that keep it to one strip, or page, per update. As an epic writer, I've always found the small and intimate challenging; if not out right daunting. Well, that, and it gives me a good excuse for me to work on my Photoshop skills.

Pages in panel three come from Emitown, Diary of a Work in Progress, and Sketch Fervor.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Do you want to date my Avatar?

I'd hit her MMPOG like the angry fist of Zool!