Monday, April 30, 2012


Midnight Run by Charlie Irons
charcoal on paper
And here it is; my latest piece for my art class. The goal of the project was to create an abstract piece to convey values and volumes using nothing but shading.

While there wasn't supposed to be any sort of compositional consideration in the work, mine couldn't help but become - in my mind's eye, at least - a lonesome midnight highway. But then, I have been craving a serious pointless road trip, as of late...


Illuminated "I" by Charlie Irons
Pen & Ink with Photoshop
So, in my Typography class, we're working on illuminated letters and the start of small, "six word stories".

Yeah, I'm not buying the whole six word story bit, but, anyhow...

My "six word story" starts with the letter "I", so here, in all its glory, is my illuminated "I"...

No, it's no accident that this "I" looks like it could stand for "IronChuck".

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Getting into the world's Super Position...

Inspired by the reception of last week's Stuff over at Neverland Transit Authority, I whipped up this expanded diagram of Grant's concept of a reverse Schrodinger's Cat thought experiment...

Who says science is boring?
(PS: "Super Position" would be an awesome name for a nerdore band.)

When I die...

I never knew you, Philip Gould; nothing of your battles or triumphs. I only know of your one last journey. I only know that, in your passing, you stoked the fires of my heart. In your death, you breathed, into me, life, once more.

I never knew you, Philip Gould. But I hope there's a little part of you in me; in all of us.

Good night; travel well...

Monday, April 23, 2012


Abstract thumbnails by Charlie Irons
charcoal on paper
Just a little something I did for art class. Got me a B+; could have been an A, but it's a little too loose for the teacher. Need to tighten up the shapes and add a little more value change for the next project...

Chuck is a happy art student, again!!!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Painting ourselves into a corner...

It seems to me that the attitude America has about the arts is getting kind of... sick.

After all, the arts are pretty much the foundation of culture and civilization. Don't believe me? Well, grab something... anything... out of today's world, and I can guarantee that I can trace it directly back to art.

If it needs a design, a jingle, paint, coordination, a write up, or any one of a thousand things, then someone, somewhere, has to utilize his, or her, art training to make it happen. In fact, we know so much about our past thanks to art. It was painters, sculptors, musicians, and poets that recorded our past; preserving it for future generations to argue over, later.

There isn't any aspect of modern life that doesn't owe something to the arts. And, through artistic expression, we form the foundations of interpersonal relations with each other as society across genders, races, and classes.

So, you can imagine my dismay when, again, I've heard that the school arts budget has been slashed in half. And not just at the college, either. In every academic setting, the arts are getting cut back, or cut out, first and foremost. Music, literature programs, and the fine arts are all on the chopping block to save money just to keep schools going.

In most cases, I don't blame administrators. They're doing what they have to to keep the doors open and kids at desks. No, I can look to legislature and government for the lion's share of the blame; policies and economics that have devalued some of the most fundamentally important things to a healthy society for the quick fix to band aid issues they let happen in the first place in the name of selfish greed.

The precedent is quite clear, in history, for what I'm talking about. Most scholars can point to a culture's changing, or disintegrating art - like Rome, or late kingdom Egypt - and show the parallels as that society fell apart. Maybe, in today's disposable American culture, where every attention whore needs to be a star, and entertainment is just a euphemism for cash cow, it's a little more difficult to see. But, the signs are there.

And, soon, it could be too late.

Peace and grace be with you; go out and save the arts... and save us all.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The chin that eats like a meal!

Outside of a bowl of soup, there's only one Campbell for me!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

This is It

This is It by Charlie Irons
Photoshop collage
Well, as I've previously mentioned, I'm back in school for the first time in... a very long time. I've started the long road to an art degree in Graphic Design; hopefully earning me a better paycheck down the road. Well, one can hope.

This is one of the lesson's I just completed for a class. Using different photo elements - representing some important things to [me], the assignment was to create a collage inside a masked outline of yourself (head, or full figure) or your hand.

Now, I'm not too terribly fond of these things, but, well, this one didn't suck as bad as I thought. So, I thought I'd share.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A good day to die...

NSFW: F and S bombs dropped.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Oh, Hell... Girl?!

Bang Bang Neko recently tried out her new "Hellgirl" cosplay at Emerald City Comic Con 2012. And while I'm always for pretty girls dressing and playing all geek like, I just couldn't help myself with how perfectly this picture composed itself...

And, finally...

Neko, you've got some obvious talent... as well as being a hot geek girl. Find your down to my neck of the woods - if we ever get our cons back (Up yours, Comic Con!) - and the first round's on me. And you can role play whatever you like!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Sunday, April 1, 2012

8 Bit Brew...

From Tallgrass Brewing company out of Manhattan, Kansas, I give you the beer of the old school true gaming thirst. Since, you know, we old schoolers are now more than old enough to buy it.