Wednesday, November 4, 2015

National Novel Writing Month: The Marigold

On the heels on Inktober comes National Novel Writing Month (#NaNoWriMo) where writers of all levels, genres, and ages are challenged to complete a 50,000 word novel in the month of November, earn badges for accomplishments, join forums, and connect with other writers. It's a curious challenge that earns exposure, and sometimes even a publishing deal, here and there.

A local author has challenged me, and so - not one to know when to back down from absurdity or futility, have answered her call. (Like I didn't have enough going on, already, right?)

I have to confess I'm already starting out at an advantage, as I have oodles of stories brimming to the top, all clamoring to become real, to breath free, and feel light upon their pages. It was so much so I was having a hard time choosing.

But I really want this to be a serious undertaking; to really make myself do more than just float by with all the easy material I could just as easily drop. And then it struck me...

I have a small back story over at Neverland Transit Authority that was meant to be just a touch eerie while adding some color to the world of Justin Bailey. But given some more fleshing out, I could have a first rate creepy Scifi horror novel on my hands.

Well, horror isn't my thing... not by a long shot. So, what better thing to do than to write something that will be as hard as to dig down into my inner monster, right? So, I'll be - among all the other projects I have going on, and some temp work - cranking out this little beauty as it worms its way through my brain; costing me sleep at night because, damn, now I just sickened myself.

Curious? I thought you might be. So, here is the prologue for my November novel, tentatively titled "The Marigold"...

Mission Control was buzzing with the kind of symphony one would expect to hear from a medium sized room packed full of control equipment and staff. Reports shuffled from hands to hands as carts were pushed up and down isles, calls went out over headsets, and panels chirped and squawked as data was displayed on monitors. On the large board that encompassed one whole wall the screens were displaying mission status of various ships that were launching out through the new frontier of the opening cosmos
“That’s not what I’m saying at all,” Frank said, stopping to take a sip of coffee. “All I am saying is that if they didn’t want it out there, then they shouldn’t have posted it to the Comm Tech 2 board, that’s all.”

George keyed up his headset mic; “copy DeltaComm , I have green. Over.” As the channel went clear he turned back to Frank, annoyed. “Comm Tech 2 is SUPPOSED to be a secure board. That’s why it’s on the low band in the first place.”

“Look out, boys,” Katy called down the tight isle way as she made her way down; threading between chairs, bodies, and stacks of reference logs piled on the floor to almost desk height. She cradled a clip board in one arm and held a mug in her other as her backpack shifted off her shoulder, swinging in time with her step. Like always the fan of history she was, she wore a nicely fitting business skirt suit.

George smiled at Frank and pushed his chair out, butting up against the control bank behind him as she approached them. “Hey, Katy,” he greeted her with, mustering up the sliest smile he could.

“Cool your thrusters, space cadet. It was one kiss at one function because booze. You didn’t have landing clearance then, and you’re not going to get it now. So park it in a geosynchronous orbit and get some actual work done. Copy?”

George sat up a little deflated, straightening his tie, and trying to keep his suave exterior up in front of Frank as Katy scooted by him. Dropping her gear she logged into her station at section MOD and put on her comm headset. She gave one more look at George and Frank through her glasses before she turned to her screens.

Frank looked back at George. “Wait… What? You and the cold steel mistress of the Milky Way…?”

“At the department party last week,” he answered, his sly sneer slowly making its return appearance. “And let me tell you, the right amount of fuel, and she’s making escape velocity in nothing flat.”

The crackle of an open broadcast came on overhead. “Go, again, GNC? We didn’t copy that last one.”

George and Frank looked down to see that, in leaning in George had accidently keyed up his mic. “Uh… disregard DeltaComm,” he stammered out, managing a recovery, “we have some cross chatter on the line.”

Frank and George looked relieved at managing to avoid what would have been a heinous reprimand and training seminar on workplace ethics when something caught Frank’s eye on his monitor.

“Hey,” he said to George, “switch to 027. Do… do you see that?”

George punched a button on his panel and his displays switched over to read outs of another mission spec. “What the…” escaped his lips as they both watched trajectory indicators and ship output levels fluctuate erratically. Course headings and flight plans suddenly altered toward random bits of empty space, and then corrected themselves just as quickly.

“What the hell is going on? Some sort of downlink hiccup,” Frank asked.

“I got nothing; these readings are going crazy. Look, now the reactor is off line. If... if this is right, this ship is drifting. What mission is this?!”
“DSE 1131A.”

“That’s The Marigold, right? She’s off to ZZ epsilon v622 for soil and geographic survey. Not due to get there for…” George checked the mission stats displayed on his reader, “another few months.”

Frank keyed up his mic; “EECOM, this is GNC. Do you copy?”

A voice pushed through the line static; “This is EECOM, go ahead.”

“EECOM this is GNC. Do you have eyes 027; DSE 1131A.”

“Standby, GNC.” There was a brief pause in which George and Frank passed uncomfortable looks back and forth until even Katy could sense there tension and called over from her desk.

“GNC this is MOD; what are you two crater brains up to?”

“Katy, turn to 027. Seriously, do it,” George called back, pleadingly. Without breaking her skeptical gaze at George, Katy punched up her displays at her station. The monitor chirped to let her know 027 was displayed and her eyes flicked down and back up and George. Then what she saw registered and her eyes fell back onto her monitor focused, this time. She quickly keyed up her mic.

“EECOM this is 1100 section MOD, do you copy?”

“MOD, if this is about 027 we’re just getting telemetry now, too. Everything’s checking out on our end, so I don’t know what to tell you.”

“Copy EECOM.” Katy toggled a switch on her station and keyed up her mic, again. “This is MOD section 1100. Get me FLIGHT. Yes, sir; it is, sir.”

Frank and George looked back at each other nervously as Kathy waiting for the flight director to pick up the line. A crackle on their shared line made them both nearly jump. “GNC this is CAPCOM. Do you copy?”

George nervously nodded as Frank keyed up. “This is GNC. Go, CAPCOM.”

“I know your section MOD is on the line with FLIGHT, gut I think you all might want to hear this. I’d get their attention quick like.”

George turned, waving his hand and snapping his fingers, attempting to get Kathy’s attention. She peered over, speaking into her mic. “Hold just a minute, sir.” Pulling the mic from her face she addressed them directly, concern over any new bad developments all over her face. “The Director is on his way down; what is it, now?”

“CAPCOM just received a transmission from The Marigold. You better-“

George was cut short as The Deep Space Explorer Missions director entered the 1100 section control center. A veteran of many operations, Director Yaggy dominated any room with an aura of both respect, and a little fear. “Who is MOD Bates?”

“Me, sir,’ Katy said, rising from her chair. “We have a situation developing with mission DSE 1131A.”

She led him to Frank and George’s station at GNC. The Director looked over the screens, his face changing from a stern mask to one of confused bewilderment. He leaned over the panels, staring hard at the monitors. “Are these reading right? This looks like their reactor is venting and their core is offline."

“EECOMM verifies them, sir,” Frank answered with all the courage he could gather. “We were about to confirm with NETWORK when CAPCOM piped in with a transmission from The Marigold.”
Director Yaggy turned to Katy; “Put this up on the overhead, please.” After she punched in a couple keys he addressed CAPCOM. “CAPCOM this is FLIGHT at section 1100. Go for that transmission, please.”

“Standby, sir. It’s a priority transmission coming in… live? There’s no point delay on it, sir; it’s a live feed. Looks like it’s about a two day split with the telemetry.”

Katy leaned in bemused. “They have got to be blowing a lot of power to broadcast live wave.”

“Here it comes, sir.” There was a click as CAPCOM switched over, followed by a hiss of static that faded in to a quiet cacophony of garbled noise. The main viewer switched over from general mission reports and a dance of snow joined in the serenade.

“I don’t hear or see…” Director Yaggy began.

Straining, Katy raised her hand. “Wait... listen. Do you hear that?”

 It was a murmur; barely audible above the static. But it was there. A heavy crackle coming through like sick, off key, humming in the twisted crinkling noise. But then it grew louder, becoming a tune, a limerick being sung over and over again by a garbled voice; a grown person in the demeanor of a child, but with maybe something in their throat. As the voice became clearer – as clear as it was going to get, a shape could be seen through the static on the screen. A shape that could be called, at the most, human like.

“phhhzzzz… it’s never gonna hurt… Flowers and ped… phhhzzzz…  mulch and dirt; weed it with a trowel, it’s never gonna hurt… Flowers and peddles and mulch and dirt; weed it with a trowel, it’s never gonna hurt…”

“This is FLIGHT director Yaggy,” he said to the voided image on the screen, “who is this? What’s the status of your mission? We’re getting readings here that-“

“Oh,” the voice said, interrupting the director,” I’ve dropped a branch on the box that makes them from there talk.” The form shifted to indicate that it must not have been looking directly at the monitor. Even though it was hard to make out, it looked like that movement wasn’t easy… or quite natural.

“Crewman,” the director addressed, mustering an authority that nearly shook the room,” identify yourself and get me to staff that can update FLIGHT on your mission status. That’s an order.”

The form shifted again, looking like it was trying to lean into view of the monitor, but just not quite getting there.  “It’s too late, she’s coming. Run quickly before your drubbing. I tried to run before it got thick, but now my legs much less than sticks. It’s not just a hobby, soon you’ll see. There’s nothing left once you’re like me.”

“Crewman, you’re going to be in a world of trouble if you don’t-“

“Quiet, she comes! Can’t you hear the drums?” The form shook visibly on the monitor with what sounded like… a rattle? Maybe like a tree rustling…? “When we make land, it all will fall; only because she’s killed us… killed us all.”

Before the director could issue another futile command another voice could be heard; garbled by the degradation of the transmission. There was no way to discern anything about the voice, other than it was a motherly voice. “Oh, there you are. How did you get out so far from your box? We’re just going to have to secure that trestle better, now won’t we?”

There was a whimper from the first voice as a second form came into view on the distorted screen. “Oh, and I’m going to have to do some serious pruning, I can see. Now, let’s turn this annoying thing off and get you back t-“

The transmission abruptly ended. The screen was dark and an eerie silence fell over the section control room.   

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

All Hallows Rock: A Haunted House Party

When hinges creak in doorless chambers, and strange music echoes down the hall. Wherever parties rage in empty houses, and good times are had by undead all. That is the time when the Halloween spirit is present, with festivities and gatherings a delight!

The hours grow later, sunset looms sooner, and the air has the bite of a chill in it. As the laves turn and fall and the growing season comes to an end, the night gives way to the lost and dead who come forth each Samhain in search of just one thing… that perfect house party!!!

So tie on your mask, straighten you guise, and reach deep for your Trick or Treat sweets, because this here ghost train is about to depart for the ethereal realm of the hereafter affair.


Growing Up (NIN traveling ghost mix)~Peter Gabriel
 Ghost of Stephen Foster~Squirrel Nut Zippers
 In the Foyer~Buddy Baker
 Horrible Dream~Ayria
 The Killing Moon~Echo and the Bunnymen
 Feed My Halloween~DJ le Clown
Haunted Gramophone~Buddy Baker
Don’t Scream (It’s only Halloween)~Apollo Zero
An Invocation~Madame Leota
Dead Man’s Party~Oingo Boingo
The Man I keep Hid~Joe Henry
Grim Grinning Ghosts~Barenaked Ladies
The Painting Bells~Buddy Baker
I think She knows I put a Spell on Her~DJ EarlyBird
Walk Along the Lake~Lost in the Trees
Haunted House (Grim Grinning remix)~SPF 1000
Deliver Me~Ben Caplan
Between the Rain~Josh Jones
Skeletons in My Closet~The Fat Man
Grim Grinning Goodbye~The Phantom Five

Don't forget to show your support by visiting the links of today's musical guests, where available. And, as always, from the whole crew of Neverland Transit Authority, thank you for your ridership.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Station House Radio: Mandatory MashUp!

“Hey, doesn’t that sound an awful like…” is more or less the line that gave birth to the “mash up”; a style of music in which various components of two, or more, songs are merged to create a new, sometimes more complex, and – ideally – a better, richer musical experience. It’s the rise of the “remix” to a new, higher art form.

 Which is ironic, since the mash up got its start as a parody critique of the state of music in the 1990’s; as derivative rehashing of each other’s sounds and stylings. (Even sometimes within a single band.)

 A staple of each musical exertion here on Station House Radio, we’re devoting an entire episode to traverse this patchwork of musical landscape with a tour de force of some of the more innovative sculptings of the soundscape. So hop on, find a seat, and hang on.

“The Surface of Saturday Night” by DJ Clive$ter
(Elton John vs The Chemical Brothers)

“Crazy Rabbit” by LeeDM101
(Seal vs UNKLE)

“Everything’s Intergalactic” by Belmondo
(The Beastie Boys vs Faith No More)

“Fell This!” by Aggro1
(Gorillaz vs Static X)

“O Brother Ray” by DJZebra
(Soggy Bottom Boys vs Ray Charles)

“Sweet Sweet Dreams” by DJ Schmolli
(Eurythmics vs Recover Project la Bouche)

“Yeah! It’s Mario 2!” by Neminem
(Usher vs McVaffe vs Super Mario Brothers)

“I can’t Trick” by Totom
(Genesis vs Kelis)

“Bring me to the Avengers” by Ch1llr
(Evenessence vs Alan Silvestri)

“One Way to Die in Your Arms” by Fissunix
(Cutting Crew vs Jean Pierre Taieb)

“Non Stop Enemy Humps” by Virtual DJ
(Kraftwerk vs Public Enemy vs Red Hot Chili Peppers vs Black Eyed Peas)

“I Kiss a Girl when Things Explode” by DJ Fac
(Katy Perry vs UNKLE)

 “I’m in Love with Judas Priest” by Wax Audio
(Judas Priest vs Lady Ga Ga)

“My name is Freddy” by DJ Rozroz
(Queen vs Ennio Morricone)

“Orrinoco Bitch” by DJ Peaking
(Celtic Woman vs The Prodigy)

“Tom’s Din Da Da”” by Mad Mix Mustang
(Suzanne Vega vs George Kranz vs Benny Banzai vs Public Enemy)

“Amaranth Uprising” by DJ Morgoth
(Muse vs Nightwish)

“Raining Red Clocks” by Bobby Martini
(Peter Gabriel vs Coldplay)

“The Adventure of Mr. Brightside” by DJ Mike A
(The Killers vs Angles & Airwaves vs Beethoven)

“Wall of Time” by Isosine
(Oasis vs Hans Zimmer)

Don't forget to show your support by visiting the links of today's musical guests, where available. And, as always, from the whole crew of Neverland Transit Authority, thank you for your ridership.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Station House Radio: Spiritual High

The thirst to know… Does he love me? Is there a greater power than myself? Is Fidelity all it’s cracked up to be? What is my purpose here? What will be left when I’m gone? Can I make a difference? How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Okay, well maybe no one is agonizing over that last one, but like it or not, the questions we wrestle with are real, if only in our own heads. So much so that we sometimes express these great inquisitive introspections in prose and song; though not all require a hit and a black light poster.

Get on board as we take a trip around the existential landscape of the search for meaning; in love, life, and our need to make a difference. We’ll pass the questioning, the challenging, the lost and forlorn, the hopeless and those who will never relinquish the fight.

Who knows; maybe you, too, will find a nugget of truth in a verse of searching.


“Spiritual High (part 1)” by Moodswings
“Questions” by INXS
“Birds with Broken Wings” by Ben Caplan and the Casual Smokers
“The Devil on My Cell Phone” by Chaise Lounge
“Sperklunker” by Savlonic
“Albino Crow” by David Schultz and The Skyline
“Who can I Turn to (When nobody needs Me) by Tony Bennett with Queen Latifah
“Forgotten” by The Punch Brothers
“Heading West” by Cyndi Lauper

Mandatory Mashup!
Crazy in Your Eyes by Bobby Martini
(Peter Gabriel versus Gnarls Barkley)

“The State of Independence (Spiritual High part 2)” by Moodswings
“Obstacle” by The Droids
“Whenever” by Beth Orton
“Under the Influence” by Elle King
“Ces Jours La” by Scott Fisher and the 1am Approach
“Tomorrow” by Ladytron
“Mis Dos Pequenas” by Orlando "Cachaíto" Lopez
“Simply Stardust” by Blue van Gogh
“Like Flames” by Berlin
“Spiritual High (The Finale)” by Moodswings

Don't forget to show your support by visiting the links of today's musical guests, where available. And, as always, from the whole crew of Neverland Transit Authority, thank you for your ridership. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Station House Radio: Summer is Gone

Photography by Candy Winters
Did you feel that? Did it just get a little crisper, a little cooler in the air when it was just hotter than blazes a day ago? Was that a dark cloud low in the sky? Are… are the days getting shorter?

Yes, as we turn the corner on another season, the leaves are beginning to turn, the dew is coming back, and nights start to take center stage. So join with us as we take one last tour through the outdoor season of fun and frolic as we bid a fond adieu to beaches, parties, and vacations, and say and begin the long trek into pumpkin pie, sweaters, and a lot more yard work.

So grab your scarfs, pick your favorite jacket, and find your seats; it’s one last ride through the days of beaches and picnics.


Venice, USA by The Red Elvises
Kids in the Square by Peter Mulvey
Colonel Josh’s BBQ by The Asylum Street Spankers
Palm Road by Wolf Parade
Grandma’s House by Kirby Krackle
Endless Summer by Ape
Hawaiian Rollercoaster Ride by Mark Kealiʻi Hoʻomalu
and The Kamehameha Schools Children's Chorus
Do You wanna Dance with Me next Summer? by Luis A. Segura
Rain in the Summertime by The Alarm
Summertime Blues by The Who

*Mandatory Mashup*
Galactic Love Shack by ElctroSound
(The B52’s vs The Domination vs Adam Sky)

Summer’s Cauldron (Grass) by XTC
Sandcastle City by Pete Francis
Summersong by The Decemberists
Coffee to Beer by Citizens’ Utilities
Walk on the Ocean by Toad the Wet Sprocket
Suffering Sea by Blue-Eyed Son
While the Music is Playing by Dan Zanes and Friends
More Bad Weather on the Way by Steve Martin and The Steep Canyon Rangers
Summer is Gone by Beth Hart

Don't forget to show your support by visiting the links of today's musical guests, where available. And, as always, from the whole crew of Neverland Tranist Authority, thank you for your ridership. 

Monday, September 7, 2015

Station House Radio: A Summer Night Interlude

There’s a warm wind in the air. You gather with your friends on the backyard patio. Or maybe you’re on your apartment deck with that special someone. Lights are stung about. Or, maybe there’s a fire pit still glowing after the evening meal has been shared. Perhaps the dull hum of the city fills the air, or the symphony of crickets play under a canopy of endless, countless stars.

No matter where you find yourself, where you find summer you’ll find the summer evening. And regardless of its setting, no summer is complete without the musical accompaniment that weaves together a warm summer’s night of friends, food, and revelry. Whether fireflies light the yard back-dropped by trees, or your curtain is a twinkling cityscape at dusk, these moments are woven together by the sounds of the outside season.

So gather out back, fill your glass, and look upward and outward to the coming of the end of the year. These are the warm nights, the right nights, for mixing of laughter and memories.


At Night by Peter Gabriel
Good Night, Laura by Spoon
Closer to Free by Verbow
Beautiful by Socalled
Blue Lullabies by The Lost Patrol
Cactus by Euphoria
Sometimes by Depeche Mode
Harvest Moon by Cassandra Wilson
theme from Midnight Cowboy by the City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra 
Wandering Star by Kid Beyond
Wilderness by Clannad
When You're Alone from the soundtrack to Hook
(music by John Williams, lyrics by Leslie Bricusse, vocals by Amber Scott)

*Mandatory Mashup*
Jude'll Fix It by Phil Retrospector
 (The Beatles vs Coldplay vs Joe Anderson)

Piscatore 'E Pusilleco by Al Fabrizio & Hugo Wainzinger
Rely On by Behind the Scenes
Moon Behind the Tree by Serphonic
What are You Afraid of? by West Indian Girl
Anywhere by Evanescence
Bright Nights by Koop
Gospel by The National
Midnight Serenade by Satin Doll Big Band Reveival
Hail and Farewell by Big Country  

Don't forget to show your support by visiting the links of today's musical guests, where available. And, as always, from the whole crew of Neverland Tranist Authority, thank you for your ridership.