Monday, June 29, 2015

Station House Radio: Off to the Races!

And we're off! 
New music Tuesday is upon us, and it's time once again from a grand tour around the beautiful musical landscape with Neverland Transit Authority's Station House Radio as your traveling sound track.

There will be fast straight aways and mellow turns as we make our way acrossthe gorgeous countryside of tunes, make our way to the tracks for an afternoon of fun, before heading back to the station.

So, won't you join us?


As always, here is your playlist. Follow the links - where available -
to learn more about this week's musical guests. And,
as always, thanks for riding!

"Where the Devil Don't Go" - Elle King
"Kingdom of Rust" - Doves
"Now's the Only Tim I Know" - Fever Ray
"Rockit" - The Gorillaz
"Tiny Japanese Girl" - Savlonic
"Little Lights" - The Punch Brothers
"The Hello Song" - Animaniacs
"Choke" - Hybrid
"Stranger" - Ben Caplan and the Casual Smokers
"Undone Lullaby (The Cure vs Korn)" - DJ Schmolli
"Good Luck" - Basement Jaxx featuring Lisa Kekaula
"Raindrops" - Kalli
"California" - Jay Farrar
"E=MC2" - Big Audio Dynamite
"The Way We Move" - Rise Robot Rise
"Dragons" - Caravan Palace
"Menilmontant" - Michel Saga
"Storm" - The Yoshida Brothers
"Shake it Out" - Florence + the Machine
"Beautiful Home" - Clothesline Revival

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

From the Conductor: Detailing my Scifi

No matter what we want to say we all have been influenced by, and continue to be influenced by, something from our childhood.

No, no... wait; I promise this isn't going to be anything like one of THOSE posts. Far from it; this is the confession of an old school nerd and his first real playset, the 1978 Millennium Falcon.

Actually, to be more specific, the detailing inside the old Falcon and the clever way they got around its interior, and all its control panels with simple, bright decals and cardboard flats. Despite all my learning over the past thirty seven years in hardware, controls, and how to render them, when it comes time create something, I tend to fall back to my days before double digit ages, when my gleeful child mind would adventure with Han Solo and Chewbaca aboard the old freighter bound for who only knew.

Let me show you what I mean. Here I am working on an upcoming page for Galactic Gun, and Justin needs to be punching some buttons onto an access panel to get into the hangar to get his ship out and underway.

Pretty simple, right? Just get out the old ruler and what not and pen one up. But, no; not for me and the inspirational rock that were my old Star Wars toys. Quick, into a new file and stack up some siple shapes!

The first step is fairly easy; providing you already have a basic idea in mind for what you're going to slap up there. In this case, a hangar access panel; which will need some buttons, maybe a camera lens, and a speaker. Why? Eh, don't try to suss it out, just go with what you think works. Once you get what you want in the right place, you need to add some details.

Here I've dropped in a few shadows and some highlights, and given the speaker a texture Doing so is actually really easy. Direct details go right on the object (You can use the grid lock to make sure you don't get any stray strokes, anywhere.), and secondary shadows can go on the shape underneath. After a few easy minutes and a few simple steps, you'll end up with something like this...

Pretty nifty, huh? Once you have this, saved as a PNG or a GIF, you can drop it right into your image, like so...

Here it is with some perspective added to make it fit just right. But how does it fit into the entire page at scale at a glance?


Okay, okay, obviously this isn't for everyone. And there will be times this kind of short cut won't work. But, hey, it's a fun throwback to a innocent time, and something I enjoy as both a creative exercise of design, and a tribute to something that's inspired me a great deal.

Enjoy, and keep on creating!

Station House Radio: Meanwhile, on the Platform...

Well, as No.1 Run makes its first - and successful - rounds down the line, the next batch of goodies are waiting eagerly back on the station platform for the next arrival. They've packed with them good sounds, stories, and some merriment for your listening pleasure.

So, hop on board, find your seats, and get ready for a scenic journey through the rolling plains of the musical landscape. Your ride begins here...

All 'Board!

"I Say Fever" by Ramona Falls
"Bald Onions" by Mango
"Meet Me in Warsaw" by The Tiger Club
"Underwear Goes Inside the Pants" by Lazyboy
"Mehnei Rachi" by Mumford and Sons with Laura Marling and Dharohar Project
"How can the Laboring Man (Find Time for some Culture?)" by Martini Ranch
"Morganna" by Yuki Kajiura
"A Bar in Amesterdam" by Katzenjammer
"I'm Pau" by Ape
*Mandatory Mashup*
"Baba O'Miley" (The Who versus Miley Cyrus) by Mr. Taylor
"The Devil's Address" by Marizane
"Hotline" by Jet Set Six
"Midnight Sun" by Hubert Kah
"Where has Everybody Gone?" by The Pretenders
"Step Up" by Da Hikk
"Your Protector" by Fleet Foxes
"Dynamite Bill" by Peter Mulvey
"Iron" by Woodkid
"Art of Love" by The Art of Noise

As always, please make sure to keep your arms and legs inside the train at all times. And hang onto your hats and glasses, 'cause this here's the wildest ride in the musical wilderness!

Monday, June 15, 2015

From the Conductor's Office: tune in to Station House Radio

The mighty locomotives of Neverland Transit Authority run on three very vital things: imagination, determination, and...


My personal collection of music spans some nearly three thousand discs, and an odd assortment of digital files from all over the past one hundred years and many different countries and cultures. They not only help turn the gears here at NTA Comics, but they also add spice to my life, and context to my soul.

It's often been my dream to share this passion for music with as many folks that will listen. And now, thanks to the technology of the 21st century, I can!

Each week the staff at Grand Central Station will comb the archives of playstock to assemble a fine ninety minute, or so, musical program. Sometimes this will be an odd jumbling of interesting sounds. Other times it will be themed.

So, as of now, Station House Radio will "broadcast" once a week via our Mixcloud channel. As we progress in our endeavor, we hope to fine tune; so keep a sharp ear for announcements from The Conductor's Office about the station.

And now, Neverland Transit Authority presents Station House Radio: No.1 Run...

As for this week's show - No.1 Run, here is the playlist:

"One the Air" - Peter Gabriel
"Velvet Elvis" - Stir
"Standing on the Edge" - Operatica
"Living on the Corner of Dude and Catastrophe" - MC Frontalot with Brad Sucks
"Rescue Me" - The Escape Club
"What Makes a Good Man" - The Heavy
"Call Me, Call Me" - Yoko Kanno and The Seatbelts
"Cup of Brown Joy" - Professor Elemental
"O' Death" - Lauren O'Connell
"Slow Show" - The National
"Roll Over" - Kirby Krackle
"Unicron (The BMGFX remix) - Vince DiCola
"Mexico" - The Staves
"Man without Skin" - Boy Hits Car
*Mandatory Mashup* "Human in St. Petersburg"
(The Killers versus Supergrass) - mixed by Mighty Mike
"Road is Long" - The Lost Patrol
"Infested (Darwin Goodman mix)" - Course of Empire
"In the Black" - Marian Call
"Moscow, Idaho" - Redcar
"Pretty Girl" - Juno Reactor

Station House Radio will usually broadcast every Tuesday, except for special occasions and preempted events. As always all copyrights are held by their owners and this is offered not-for-profit. Please visit and patron each artist; linked in the playlist when possible. And don't forget to open your ears, and your heart, to new sounds every day!

Monday, June 1, 2015

From the Conductor: Storytelling in the hyper age...

On the onset, your friendly neighborhood Conductor, as well as all of Neverland Transit Authority, stands behind, beside, and with the rights of everyone to explore their own personal identities, and we voice our continued belief that no one should infringe on those rights to do so if they are carried out respectfully of those doing the expressing as much as those be expressed upon.

This is just the need of one creator to talk some about his struggles trying to be a decent human being and a strong storyteller in the age of hyper sensitivity and personal identification.

Identity, gender, gender issues, and the rights of various individuals are forefront and paramount in today's world. That's not to say it never was; just that is, now, more than ever before. With the slow shifting of American culture to a place where some 60% of Americans now support "gay marriage"*, it's fair to say that these topics are now a political and social set of hot buttons... to say the least.

And most of that, these days, are on the social injustices and inequalities that women and the LGBT community still have to deal with; sometimes with lethal consequences. And I, in no way, want to discount that, at all. But, I'd like to take a minute, or two, to express my frustration over the situation. Partly how upsetting it is to see these things still a problem for The United States of America in the 21at century, but also as someone who is both culturally and genetically a binary person.

As a person of this upbringing, it can be sometimes very hard for me to interact with someone whose phyiscal signature is one way, though how they act and conduct themself may be totally opposite. (Again, I'm stuck using the only vocabulary I know, here. My apologies.) Often this has led me to say some pretty dumb things, and behave rather clumsily in social settings. (And if you've ever seen me at a social function, then you know how odd it can be to see me get tripped up.) 

However, I don't ever want to shy away from percentages of potential readers; not for the sake of future possible sales, but for the idea of new stories to tell, new people to reach, and new ideas to be shared. That being said, it can be kind of daunting, these days, to be a straight white guy trying to be creative in a graphical narrative.

For all its repugnantness, Gamer Gate and its backlash do, sometimes, illustrate the fear that some of us have about opening ourselves up to new characters and story potentials. The threats and concerns of women in the video game industry are real, and credible, to say the least. At the same time, it can be hard to script any sense of realism if, when doing so, you get block back like:

Now, Anita Sarkeesian may have a point when she argues "Also the 'it's realistic for enemies to sexually harass female characters' excuse is nonsense in fantasy games filled with ghouls & wraiths." But when Catwoman goes diving into a city block that is occupied by hoodlums and thugs, are we not supposed to expect that these machismo muscled headed dick minded criminals aren't going to throw those kinds of insults? 

As a point of reference, The Arkham series is part of this new gritty, adult realism with Batman, and the games are marked and advertised as such.** So that may mean that a crime fighter game and a dragon hunter game might not be standing on equal footing.

But then, I'm a straight white man; there's no way I could know what is going on in the mind of anyone not me when I confront the same images that anyone of another color, gender, or identity than mine does. And that's part of the trap that a large block of my creative field kind of falls into when we try to be the good guy and make the right kind of stories. 

Such is the same with the whole transgender issue now coming to the forefront in American society with the revelations of former gold medal track and field star Bruce Jenner.

Bruce 1976

Caitlyn 2015

Jenner, despite a large family and a successful career that attached itself to his masculine prowess and ability, has quietly struggled with something that I could never really understand; he's always felt like he was a she.

This is a nebulous area of confusion and discomfort for binary folk; men particularly. And it gets us on many different levels. But I'm not here to try and explain that, defend that, or even try and make sense out of it. Coming to terms with these things are our responsibility***, and not the goal of this rambling.

I will say this about Jenner, though...
Looking good, baby!
What I'm after is, maybe, just some understanding, and hopefully to find a way to explore and express the world around me through my choice of medium without hurting, maiming, or insulting.**** It's a tricky path we tread, these days, to be mindful of so many steps. Yes, I battle against my programming to accept, if not understand, all the new things that surround me that I'm so different from. And sometimes that can be a real hard obstacle to tackle.

But as I try to awkwardly explore these new alien worlds - to add to my own, please try to be patient with me. I'm not always going to get it right, but I am going to keep trying. I want to add your voices to the collective of those already in the worlds I create; so that we can all share in new ideas and expressions of our hearts and minds, together. It's just kind of scary, right now, because there's no manual for it, and none of us are really comfortable asking questions about it; or even what to ask.

And worse, no one wants to get his head lobbed off just trying to sneak a peek through the door...

*Personally, I hate the term. I mean, aren't we really talking about marriage equality, here?

**For the record, the new direction for Batman, like most of DC Comics... and some of the comic book world, in general - is shit. What is up with 21st century storytelling, these days?!

***I hate to say it, but it's a white man's world. Is that right? No. And it's not everyone else's job to justify and fight for a place in it. It's our job to move over and give you all the space you deserve. I'm doing what I can, but...

****One of the hardest things is to be a storyteller in a day and age where you feel threatened over cross fire and backlash  on any subject. And we've seen how public image, in the internet age, can be ruined literally in a day; sometimes for good. It's enough to scare some off forever. it almost did me.