Monday, July 26, 2004

Movie News

While I can't say I'm too surprised by this weekend's outcome at the box office, I had to chuckle; seems Barry's Catwoman - no where near based off the popular DC comic character - was doomed to fail because "men like to see 'man' in their action films, not 'woman'."

Apparently, it would seem, being a sucky, lame assed rip off of The Crow had nothing to do with it. Huh, who knew?

I admit that I was surprised the Bourne Supremacy hit number one; which is ironic in the fact that it, too, is no where based off its original novelization.

Here's the buzz on last weekend's takes:

IronChuck says; "Go pick up a Catwoman collection from DC comics. I recommend "Selina's Big Score" graphic novel or the first dozen comics from the new series.

Oh, and go grab the Bourne trilogy written by Robert Ludlum. Hell, grab all his books; they beat the pants off of any spy thriller today. "

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