Saturday, December 31, 2005

And now, the end is near...

... the end of 2005, anyway. Here's a small sampling of "The Year in Review"...

Get it out before the ball drops and I'll save some cash!

Top rap product references in 2005... really.

Either there are less of them, or, they're better at not getting caught now.

Top Bushisms of 2005.

Break down of who will keep resolutions in Europe in 2006. Still no cure for cancer in 2005.

Dick is back!

Hurry to the bathroom, maybe you can make Roto Rooter's list!

You may not agree with it, but Gorlliaz made it twice on this list.

MSNBC presents 2005: The year in pictures.

A year end review with “guests” of Conan O'Brian.

Top 10 Masturbation headlines of 2005... No, really.

Okay, now I'm off to go work on my end of year drunk. Floppy Moose Ears, everybody! See you all in 2006!!!!!

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

One more for 2005...

Seems most blogs have a year end top countdown sort of thing... And mine might be no exception. But before we say good bye to 2005, I'd like to leave you with one last funny. Might want to get comfortable for this one, as it runs just a bit over one hour. Anime fans will love this, but so will pop culture fans, too. The rest of you... you'll get a few chuckles.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Yule Tide bloggings...

Oh, the Christmas times, they are a changing.

Because this is what Christmas is really all about, in all its not safe for work goodness.

Oh, give it to her, will ya?

Those crazy kids are at it, again.

Others, in their own not so safe for work way, tend to get a little pissy about it all. Wonder why...

Game Time! Keep the little brats from getting to their presents before Christmas.

Merry Christmas from Jimmy Kimmel and... Mike Tyson?

Hugh Jackman remissnesses about the Christmas kangaroo an a site that's not really safe for work.

And now a musical interlude...

Reindeer achieve low orbit. Merry Christmas, Space Station.

Tracking Santa... with NORAD...

Found him filling up... and The Sun was there.

When will that fat man learn to consider the environment? (Lighten up you PC fuck-tards.)

If you're gonna rob a Christmas party, make sure it's not being thrown by the police.

Merry Festivus!

And now you know. (Eight Maids a milking, indeed!)

Now you tell him if he's naughty or nice.

And what would Christmas be like without the classic, It's a Wonderful... Internet.

Merry Christmas geeks everywhere!

Saturday, December 17, 2005

It's about time!

Star Wars, in thirty seconds, as performed by bunnies. BUN-NEY!

Friday, December 16, 2005

Fanboy Alert!

I know what I'm watching on May 26, 2006!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Sorry I'm late...

Look, IronChuck Presents gets a nod from management! We're still working on the other departments. But Apple's got the marketing rights.


And now a message from Blue Man Group.

Pro gun pastor goes on anti-occult paint ball spree. Huh?

Ummm... nope, got nuthin'.

Taping yourself lifting weights to impress girls? Okay, what could possibly go wrong?

Now that's a pussy of good taste.

The secret history of Aeon Flux. (Go see the movie, it was sweet!)

Think this could really help Star Wars?

Ring ring ring ring... banana phone!

When owls chat online.

Nice headlights...

Excuse me for a moment... mmmmmm!

Soul Train.. the year of my birth. Man, am I glad we got better.

I think this is on the warning label, too.

Old man plus cosplay equals WRONG! And I do mean wrong.

Old woman plus free weights equals WRONG!

Found: The Missing Link.

And it makes a mean coleslaw, too.

Wow.. so got nuthin'.

If you're looking to escape your cube hell, then this isn't the toy for you.

Can you name all the bands?

Let's play the devil's game called... “Secret Santa?!”

Merry 8-bit Christmas!

Have a g-a-a-a-a-a-a-y Christmas.

Okay, now this whole PC thing has gotten way out of hand.

It's time to expose yourself to some Christmas spirit.

I guess there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. Follow up to last week's amazing xmas house lights display.

A Christmas Story... in 30 seconds... as performed by bunnies. BUN-ney!

Game Time! Get Santa snockered, but don't touch the train tracks.

Give them the gift to end all gifts this season.

Fly, fat ass, fly!

Run Neo, run!

Climb ,fanboy, climb!

You can make up your own dialog here.

Okay, there's no fur... so, is this, what? Mammaly?

And now, a message from Bill Maher.

Highly acclaimed, and now a steal at only $33.49!

Wow, I so didn't see that coming.

Science I can relate to.

It's a Wonderful Night with Fatboy Slim!

I've so leaving monasteries alone next time I go conquering.

And now you know.

Oh, those wacky Japanese.


It's selling lame Motorola crap, but it's very clever, puns movies, and has a bunny in it. BUN-ney!

Never Stomp in the kitchen.