Saturday, December 24, 2005

Yule Tide bloggings...

Oh, the Christmas times, they are a changing.

Because this is what Christmas is really all about, in all its not safe for work goodness.

Oh, give it to her, will ya?

Those crazy kids are at it, again.

Others, in their own not so safe for work way, tend to get a little pissy about it all. Wonder why...

Game Time! Keep the little brats from getting to their presents before Christmas.

Merry Christmas from Jimmy Kimmel and... Mike Tyson?

Hugh Jackman remissnesses about the Christmas kangaroo an a site that's not really safe for work.

And now a musical interlude...

Reindeer achieve low orbit. Merry Christmas, Space Station.

Tracking Santa... with NORAD...

Found him filling up... and The Sun was there.

When will that fat man learn to consider the environment? (Lighten up you PC fuck-tards.)

If you're gonna rob a Christmas party, make sure it's not being thrown by the police.

Merry Festivus!

And now you know. (Eight Maids a milking, indeed!)

Now you tell him if he's naughty or nice.

And what would Christmas be like without the classic, It's a Wonderful... Internet.

Merry Christmas geeks everywhere!

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