Monday, June 30, 2008

Possibly one of the best movies ever...?

So, if you haven't yet,
you really need to go out
and see Wall*E.

This is what great movie making
is really all about, folks. I don't want
to give too much away,
but with little real dialog,
and really great story telling
the gang at Pixar creates a tale
or comedy, romance, adventure,
and, if you're watching,
makes a few topical observations.

I left this movie really inspired,
from the characters, to the story,
to the score - and end credit song by
Peter Gabriel. This movie had my riveted,
laughing out loud, and got me really caring
about those little robots, as well as all mankind.

I give it a 4.8 out of 5
and have added it to my
top five of all time.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Kenny's Last Rhythm

Sage advice from the mouth of Johnny Cash,
but when Mint Royale tags along,
then it's down right uplifting.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Ah, the taste of Summer!

All hail the Slurpee!
Last uncorrupted indulgence.

Friday, June 20, 2008

This is a test...

This is only a test.

I have dropped Tribe
because it started sucking hard core.
Well, now so has My Space.
So, this is a test to see
how well I can put together a good post.

Okay, that video above
was just to see if I could actually get a video
in here proper.

This picture of a train was also put here
to test if I could get pictures in here good and proper.

That, and, I really like trains.

Anyway, I have a few more things to play with;
since it's been so long from
my last post. I'm sure
that they've changed a few things
while I've been away.