Monday, June 30, 2008

Possibly one of the best movies ever...?

So, if you haven't yet,
you really need to go out
and see Wall*E.

This is what great movie making
is really all about, folks. I don't want
to give too much away,
but with little real dialog,
and really great story telling
the gang at Pixar creates a tale
or comedy, romance, adventure,
and, if you're watching,
makes a few topical observations.

I left this movie really inspired,
from the characters, to the story,
to the score - and end credit song by
Peter Gabriel. This movie had my riveted,
laughing out loud, and got me really caring
about those little robots, as well as all mankind.

I give it a 4.8 out of 5
and have added it to my
top five of all time.

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