Thursday, July 31, 2008

REALLY get your Harry Potter nerdgasm on!

Tales of Beedle the Bard exclusively from Amazon.

Spend a lot of time online?

Chances are it's because you're sick in the head.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Episode 12: Bats in our Belfry

If you missed last weekend's episode of Mixed Blessings,
chalked full of Isk picking on The IronChuck for his Batman-i-ness,
on Awesomeville then you're in luck!
It's now available for download on the archive page.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Sexitron is ready to roll!

He's bringing sexy robot back!

I'm sure they'll be a new fetish around this, soon.

Me thinks he be a bit confused...

I... I got nuthin'. (Contains simulated robot puppet sex.)

He's got what you want!

All is fair in Android Love and Robot Wars.

Welcome to the big leagues... it's about time.

Academia discovers the comic book.

Saturday, July 26, 2008


What you're about to see... depending on how long it'll last... is a teaser trailer shown TODAY at Comic Con. (And I don't think I need to tell you how down I am that I couldn't go this year.) It was captured via a cellphone and then stabalized to make it more viewable.


Friday, July 25, 2008


I think we've entered a whole new level, now...

Dead or Alive, we're making this film, creep.

It's been over 20 years since his first movie,
but Old Detroit's first bullet proof copper is coming back.

God help us...

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Ode to Beaker

Klaatu... Barada... Nikkto...

In the age of Hollywood remakes, not even a real classic is safe.

May the Steam be with You!

With the franchise pretty much turning its back on its original audience
how do you make Star Wars more fun?

You make it Steam Punk, naturally.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Broken themes and excessive pointlessness!

Missed last weekend's episode of Mixed Blessings on Awesomeville?
Well, good news; it's now available
on the archive page.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

NASA's new test recruits dead tired on job.

Great, just great... I smell a new Zombie movie theme coming.

Friday, July 18, 2008

IronChuck says: READ THIS!

Say, do you like those illustrated fantasy books? Do you also love comics? Do you have a yearning for adventure, romance, comedy, and epic struggles of good versus evil across time, itself? Well then, have I got the series for you!

Returning home to the city of Ocensend from a mighty adventure at sea with his grandfather, young Rubel soon discovers all his friends are gone and his grandfather's ship has gone down with all hands lost. The evil and vile prince now sits on the throne, and his beloved princess, for which he had promised himself to as her loyal thief, now hides in exile, ridiculed by the people of Oceansend.

All alone, he suddenly finds himself in the middle of a struggle between the Shadow Lady, a figment from his childhood, and the local foolish wizard Quenton; who, himself, is now missing. Rubel will have to make new friends and allies as he does battle with forces greater than himself in order to return balance to the kingdom. But things never are quite what they seem.

Lavishly illustrated with detail, and filled with bright and deep characters, this book has quickly become my most favorite. At times this is a lovable adventurous comic, and at others a work of high fantasy; filled with pirates, rogues, and magic.

Thieves and Kings is available from Ibox Publishing, and is moving from a bi-monthly format to collected trade paperback format. Black and White. Price varies between collected volumes.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

DC makes its first play for 2009

Some of you will, no doubt, be seeing this tonight
in front of the new Batman moive.

I guess the real question will be how long
until Alan Moore denounces this, too?

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Just let it die, already!


Man, I don't want to even get into how many
plot holes this has to jump over just to work.
Let alone the fact that this franchise is over done.
I mean, the show died a whimper; that should be a sign, folks.

Me thinks, also, that Christian Bale is getting himself type casted as the new Jean Claude...

Covered in Crud!

Missed this past weekend's Mixed Blessings?
Well, good news! "Episode 9" is now up
on the podcast archives page to listen to!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Still can't stop watching... this time not so bad.

Once again, America's got talent.
And once again, it's all about The Hoff!

Cutting Crustaceans!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Trying to keep my train of thought...

I've been thinking of taking a train ride across America, just for fun.
I may rethink that.

As a train lover, I long for the glory days of the steam giants...

Friday, July 11, 2008

IronChuck says: READ THIS!

No matter how hard you yell; In Space No One Can Hear Star Scream!

Come follow the misadventures of Kickback and the Insecticons as they explore the humorous, ever gender bending, fandom social commentary of non continuity.

ISNOCHS is your basic photo comics, utilizing Transformer toys from G1 to the movie. What's not so basic is the way in which, breaking from traditional fan sites, it actively apes, and pokes fun at TF fandom, and those dark denisons that inhabit its shadow. Nothing is safe here; from fan fic writers, to Daleks (And you thought you'd get by without a Dr. Who reference, huh?), to the power struggles of Starscream, right down to the often absurd notion of TF romance.

ISNOCHS is created by Wayward, and usually updates Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays.

IronChuck says: READ THIS!

Christian goths, relentless movie based pranks, social observations, romance, intrigue (No, not really.), cinema, and polyester. If you ever worked in a theatre, you know that's just another night behind the snack bar.

Gordon McAlpin's Multiplex is a must read; not only for the witty story lines, dialog, and great character interactions, but also as a hub for lovers of movies, as well.

From the lives of actors, to who lined up to see Sex in the City, pretty much no one is safe from this band of movie misfits; not even themselves. Multiplex boasts a diverse cast of characters that dip into the many facets of life; cultural, sexual, and racial. And, always keeping it in a funny vain.

IronChuck says: READ THIS!

Think you know all about comics? Want to get into comics, but not sure where to start, or how to decipher its inner language of icons, and such? Well then, this weeks' pic is just for you.

Scott Mcloud, creator of Zot!, has become synonymous within the world of comics as a definitive authority on the inner workings of this amazing art form; receiving accolades from the likes of Frank Miller, Neil Gaiman, Jim Lee, and the late great Will Eisner, among others.

In his first installment, Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art, Scott sets to define comics, as well as explore its history, iconic language, use of symbols, borders, and line work, compression of time through space, and illusionary closure through gutters. Each page delivers insights into structure of story elements, cultural influences, and comics potential as a serious medium; and all in easy to read comic form, itself.

Available from Harper Perennial $20

Enter the Rhinestone Ninja!

Whether you listen to us live (Saturday mornings starting around 9am) or podcasted, listeners of last week's Mixed Blessings (Hosted by Isk, and yours truly) will defintly get a giggle.

Boycott Ronald?

You know, I can come up with a list of better reasons to boycott McDonald's than this.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Getting gratuitous...

And now it's time for a little Sax and Violence...

A Capella metal?!

Five singers and one drummer - Okay, so, not so much a Capella - but no guitar, bass, or keyboard; Van Canto does their own take of Metallica's "Battery".

Just batty over her bra...

Bats in the belfry I can buy, sure. But in her bra...? And for 5 hours?!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Word Up!

Even If Korn said it loudest, Cameo still said it best.
Either way I still say "WoW"!

Bonus points for you if you figured out who the detective is.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

10 Thing You might not Know about Robots...

The Chicago Tribune as a fun little article about robots,
which include a history lesson on the source of the word,
robot take overs, human perception,
and the clash between robots and house hold pets.

And, just in case, here's that very video
mentioned in the article.

Go Puppy, go!

I guess you can bring a knife to a sword fight...

... when you're in a wheelchair.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

IronChuck says: READ THIS!

Daisy Kutter runs a nice little store in a nice little town. She has a good and stable life.
Which is not much for a former bandit who once led the life of adventure.

However, she's turned away from that life, to pursue an honest living, as well as a few extra lugs at the poker tournaments. That is, until she is dealt a losing hand; which costs her her shop. But, the winner has a deal; rob his train, and she gets it all back.

Easy, right?

Daisy Kutter: The Last Train is set in one of those timeless realms where old west history and Sci-fi technology seamlessly meet. In fact, it has just about everything I can want in a comic; strong female lead, big guns, action, trains, and robots.

Daisy Kutter is written and illustrated by Kazu Kibuishi. The book includes a concept gallery, guest art, and annotated "making of". Published by Viper Comics. $10.95

IronChuck says: READ THIS!

Things were going just okay for amateur artist Wendy Watson. That is, until things got a little hairy at her temp job at A.N.D. Laboratories. Barely surviving a mutant monstrosity, she meets The Middle Man; solver of unique problems.
Blamed for the "incident" at the lab, and not having any stable work, Wendy does what logically comes next; she joins The Middle Man. And, suddenly, they are unleashed on a mafia hit mystery that will leave you bananas.

Written by Javier Grillo-Marxuach, and illustrated by Les McClaine, The Middle Man is, in a nut shell, just about everything Men in Black wished it was. Quirky characters and witty dialog combine with with action and pop sci-fi adventure to give you one fun read.

And look for the television adaptation on ABC.

The Middle Man: Trade Paperback Imperative is available from Viper Comics. Features forward by Paul Dini. $9.95

IronChuck says: READ THIS!

When 47 women spontaneously give birth in one night, after having no signs of pregnancy, millionaire inventor Reginold Hargreeves manages to find and adopt seven of them. "To save the world," his only explanation.

Two decades later, this super dysfunctional super family reunites to morn the passing of their adoptive father, and face the greatest threat to mankind.

The Umbrella Academy is penned by rock star Gerald Way, of My Chemical Romance, and illustrated by Eisner Award Nominee Gabriel Ba; along with Eisner award winners Dave Stewart (colors) James Jean (original series covers). Collected, for the first time, in "graphic novel" form by Dark Horse.

While there've been more than a few runs of dysfunctions super teams/families, the odd dynamic within this group, not to mention its quirky villains and battles, sets this apart from its contemporaries. Not to mention the very unique and exciting plot twist that develops out of these unhealthy dynamics.

Also included are the original series covers, an annotated design section, and a couple of extra stories. Forward by Grant Morrison. $17.95

Friday, July 4, 2008

Bubble Gum

It takes some work to sit through, but the gag at the end is still funny.

Yes, that was The Brotherhood of the Black Flag. Long live faire geeks.

Jedi Gym

I...I got nuthin'.

Why can't I stop watching?!

It was wrong... so why couldn't I turn away?!

Got to give props to The Hoff, though!

Happy Independence Day

PVP Online by Scott Kurtz

Experiments in color...

Recently I bought some Tombo art markers for the comic. It's been interesting trying to figure these things out; especially since I've been a big color pencil fan for years. But, markers are, it appears, the way to go; seeing as I can't really paint too well and Photoshop just isn't working out for me.

At any rate, this is what I whipped up today, just screwing around. It's a Pin Up of Kali.

Yeah, the composition could be a little stronger, but I pretty much drew it straight ahead, without much planning, just to try out the markers. Not bad, I think, for only my fith try. Of course, I only have half the colors available, to work with, too.

I'm gonna keep screwing around, in between working on the pages. Most likely there'll be a few more pin ups of various women in the comic, as well as some small strip style gag comics, all to help me get used to these pens.

Of course, al this work just keeps proving to myself how much I really must hate me...

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Kid gets Pac-Man branding... with a laser!

Some kid modified a industrial laser etcher to give himself tattoos; including Pac-Man, a robot, and Space Invaders. Over rides safeties with a magnet and a six sided die.

Bonus: Article includes how to video!

IronChuck says: Watch This!

There's very little reality in "Reality TV".
So, I guess it stands to reason why I am totally hooked on

Or, does it?

At any rate, this is a great parody of the ridiculous world of "reality television". Complete with shallow host, silly challenges, and horrible interpersonal team play and loads of back stabbing. But then the funny part is that it's... well... funny.

There are some fun characters, as well as humorous conflicts. The animation is that new "computerized but I still want to look drawn" style; which, for the first time, is actually lending itself to the story telling instead of being an annoying distraction. The drama, for lack of a better word, is a little more complex, aimed at a teen plus age group; though there's more than enough for adults to get a giggle, too.

I wonder if Scott Kurtz of PVP Online had anything to do with this, though.
Most of the character design looks like it came right from his comic.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008