Friday, July 4, 2008

Experiments in color...

Recently I bought some Tombo art markers for the comic. It's been interesting trying to figure these things out; especially since I've been a big color pencil fan for years. But, markers are, it appears, the way to go; seeing as I can't really paint too well and Photoshop just isn't working out for me.

At any rate, this is what I whipped up today, just screwing around. It's a Pin Up of Kali.

Yeah, the composition could be a little stronger, but I pretty much drew it straight ahead, without much planning, just to try out the markers. Not bad, I think, for only my fith try. Of course, I only have half the colors available, to work with, too.

I'm gonna keep screwing around, in between working on the pages. Most likely there'll be a few more pin ups of various women in the comic, as well as some small strip style gag comics, all to help me get used to these pens.

Of course, al this work just keeps proving to myself how much I really must hate me...

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