Monday, August 25, 2008

Down, but not out...

You've probably noticed a lack of posts over the past week.
That's because the home computer has died.
We're working on getting a new one hooked up,
and getting back on line this week.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Possibly the best Guinness ad ever...

So, naturally, the ad is red linked to remind you
it's a little not safe for work.

Some memes never get old...

Gentlemen... my card.

Thinking of making the coolest business card ever?
70 people beat you to it.

Liquid metal art

I imagine that no "Sarah Conner" will be allowed into the show...

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Remember when...

... afternoon cartoons didn't suck?

That's okay; I haven't seen it, either...


This is kind of funny, so naturally it needs to be here.

Turns out Bono was out in the south of France at his villa and decided to blare new music from the up coming album, tentatively called "No Line on the Horizon" for all to hear. Well, a passer bye did, in fact, hear it, and recorded it.

Then he did what comes naturally. He posted them on Youtube.

If you just tried that link, you'll notice something rather odd. It seems, to keep as neutral as possible, the video is still up, but the audio has been disabled.

So, we have an notoriously egocentric band that's out for file sharing blood leaking their own music and then getting Youtube to mute it so it can keep as neutral as possible - keeping as many happy as possible during its own legal woes.

I don't know about any of you, but I smell the stink of a publicity stunt.

Just another day in Imperial San Francisco...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

That boy was our last hope...

I guess it's truly the last sign;
the final death cry of a diseased giant finally passing...
Lucas gets Ain't It Cool to "unpublish" it's brutal review of Clone Wars.

Let it go, George... let it go.

Update: Ain't It Cool's offical comment.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Heading for the last blue screen of death?

Good bye Windows?

Cue the big synth organ!

I don't know what deserves the comment; the fact we picked up a signal,
or the fact that no one has reported it... until now?!

I... I got nuthin'.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Nerd humor...

Don McMillan is an engineer, but at least he's Technically Funny;
and he's got a Powerpoint presentation to prove it, too.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Remember when...?

Danny Phantom spotted in Florida High School!

I know it's too early for ghost stories, but...

IronChuck says: READ THIS!

So, right off the top, I'll admit that this is a rediscovery, and not a new book. It's amazing what one can find when one cleans out there somewhat large comic book library.

Set early in the 22nd century, against the backdrop of a post near apocalyptic world, comes Masamunie Shirow's Appleseed. Deunan Knute, the only daughter of a career special ops soldier, and her cyborg companion Briareos, have made due in the badlands until they are recruited to immigrate to the Utopian city of Olympus; a new, independent state set up on an artificial island. Amid the chaos of old world super powers and terrorist wars, they are the new beacon of hope for civilization.

Or, are they?

Once within the cover of the protective city, revelations of genetic engineering, political maneuvering, and clandestine forces find Deunan and Bri caught in the scheming crossfire of divided factions fighting for control of the city, and the very nature of mankind, itself.

As typical with all of Shirow's work, the story is ripe with plot twists, political commentary, and action. For the art, it, too, is full of the usual Shirow level quality; with lush, detailed cityscapes, as well as comprehensive mech, blazing weaponry, and rich urban sprawl. The main cast of players are well layered, each with his or her own history; and interact with each other very engagingly.

The only negative thing I can really say about this title is that, after four collected volumes, it's been left hanging. And, it's been hanging for a while, now. Though there have been a couple of small back up releases and the end of 2007, at this time Shirow has no immediate plans to pick up the story.

Volumes 1 - 4, plus "Hypernotes" are avaialable from Dark Horse comics in B&W perfect bound format books, ranging in page count and price.

Friday, August 8, 2008

IronChuck says: READ THIS!

An apathetic scientist works late defrosting the Abominable Snowman. A naive blood donor dates a rageaholic vampire. A two-bit fortune teller inadvertently sparks a zombie epidemic. And it's all played for laughs. But that's how it is when The Claws Come Out.

Indie cartoonist Pat Lewis takes his two favorite things - women and monsters - and puts them head to head in fun and campy action comedies. Aliens, psychos, and B-movies creeps square off against tough chicks in a fun collection of shorts "hosted" by Lily St. Dead; who introduces each one in true, late night fashion.

The Claws Come Out is available in hardback by IDW. 152 pages, B&W, $19.99. And don't forget to visit Pat Lewis' website.

How many sic-fi disaster epics start like this?

If Awesomeville goes off air tomorrow, you know why.


Oh, there's all kinds of things I could say about this.
But, I think it speaks for itself.

Mr Spock is da houz!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Crap; there goes the neighborhood...

X-men make the move to the city by the Bay.

They should fit right in.

As a Packer fan, I'm so embarrassed...

Man, what a douche.
I have to say that I have lost
a lot of serious respect for Brett.

But that's okay,
I'm a Green Bay boy;
So, go Rodgers, go!

No! You go to Hell!

Why in the world would you want to "mask the meaty flavor"?!
If there's a Hell, Satan has a special place, just for you.

Is this what you'd call "ironic"?

A virus catching... a virus?

Military Shenanigans...

Say what you will, our boys at arms can sometimes be funny.

In 2009 you shall see Red!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

In celebration of global warming...

It's the first week of August and it's cold and rainy
outside my California window. So, naturally...

Monday, August 4, 2008

Watch this!

it damn well better tell me exactly when the beer is perfect
and warn me when she's about to PMS!

Hope the flame doesn't ignite the sky!

Welcome to the *cough cough hack weeze* 2008 summer games.

You know that California ban on cell phones...?

Yeah, cops are except from that.

San Francisco... the healthy state?

Newsom's out to control your heatlh.

IronChuck says: Listen to this!

Metallica has become the very cliche of itself in the 21st century.
But, it is good fodder for experimentation.
Wax Audio shows us this very well when he takes Metallica to
Istanbul(Not Constantinople.), and introduces them to Stevie Wonder,
as well as Bryan Adams.


Bert and Ernie try Gangsta Rap...

And then... the world blew up...

A little food for thought...

Friday, August 1, 2008

Icha Nub Nub!

Ever wanted to kick it like an ewok on your vacation?
Well then, have I got the place for you.