Saturday, August 16, 2008


This is kind of funny, so naturally it needs to be here.

Turns out Bono was out in the south of France at his villa and decided to blare new music from the up coming album, tentatively called "No Line on the Horizon" for all to hear. Well, a passer bye did, in fact, hear it, and recorded it.

Then he did what comes naturally. He posted them on Youtube.

If you just tried that link, you'll notice something rather odd. It seems, to keep as neutral as possible, the video is still up, but the audio has been disabled.

So, we have an notoriously egocentric band that's out for file sharing blood leaking their own music and then getting Youtube to mute it so it can keep as neutral as possible - keeping as many happy as possible during its own legal woes.

I don't know about any of you, but I smell the stink of a publicity stunt.

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