Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Elementary, my dear film goer...

The other day was the 150th birthday of one of Scotland's most famous sons.

Ironic that, that same week, I find this:

Merry Christmas, Holmes fans;
better keep the reciept, just in case.

Let go my logo!

It's been a little while since I posted any art - or much of anything - in regards to the web comic. So...


Well, what do you think? It's the next generation of the Galactic Gun logo. As you can see, I'm still trying to work out Photoshop, but I think I'm getting the hang of it.

Still have a few bugs to work out (Like how to get rid of all the white around it.), but if I keep going this way I should have the hang of it by year's end... I hope. Then, maybe, I can apply more of what I've learned to the actual art of the comic!

Monday, May 18, 2009

IronChuck says: Read this!

No one knows who. All they know for sure is that someone, during the war of 3022, set off a time bomb that threw all of history into one big now; clashing magic and science, past, present, and future into one new maddening time line. Thirty eight years later, order is brought to this new landscape by 30th century masons led by a man calling himself "Julies Ceasar".

Mia is a young woman living with her family in a small community when Ceasar comes to her home unexpectedly. Quickly things go awry and Mia finds herself orphaned, on the run, and bound to the genie that has taken her family from her.

Written and drawn by Deborah Erenberg, and updating Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, Flux follows the journey of Mia, and the genie Kylie, as they search for a way to get Kylie home and reconcile Mia's past.

At times a bit disjointed with the back and forth between the story present and past, this is never the less a completely engaging tale. Setting aside the usual traps - like time travel mechanics or other sci-fi trappings - Deborah, instead, gives us colorful characters and odd plot twists; opting for more character and less pseudoscience mental masturbation.

And though, at times, the art can get sparse and simplistic - with minimal splashes of color, or none at all - the visuals are none the less solid; getting better as the story progresses. Personally, this is a great story, fun to read, and great for plot twists. The character play is, at times, fun, and the over all story can become addictive.

IronChuck gives Flux by Deborah Erenberg three shots (And a pint!) out of a possible five shots of whiskey. And be sure to check out May 18th's update for a guest art submission by yours truly!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

IronChuck says: Listen to this!

Bon Jovi versus Justin Timberlake by DJ Schmolli.

Cosplay just got a whole lot hotter. Wait... what?

Two words: Burlesque cosplay.

Followed by four more words: Not safe for work.
(If you hadn't already noticed the red link.)

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?!

I... I got nuthin'.

Looks like this video got flagged (Who knows...?)
and has had its embedding disabbled.

But that's okay, you can still find it here.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

If knowing is half the battle, then what does it take for the win?

I admit, as a geek and a child of the eighties,
I have, up until recently, been really excited about
the up coming G.I. Joe movie release.

I was.

But now they've released the new tralier and I have to say
I'm all but covinced this is going to be even more
fluff filled than X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

Looks like they're doing there best to really grab hold of the campy,
cartoony silly sci-fi of the old cartoon, and not giving what the matured,
original audience has ben hoping for; a more serious Tom Clancy styled action thriller.

Oh, but there is good - and some what ironic - news;
Adult Swim on Cartoon Network has given us just that.

So, now I'm reconsidering the new movie even more.

Yo Joe...