Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Ta-Da! We've outposted 2008!

And with this self serving post, I have officially eclipsed last year's posting tally! Yes, I have managed to post more this year than I did in all of 2008; and I still have three and a half months left, to boot.

So, what can we expect out of the rest of 2009?

Well, for starters, more of my new feature, "Stuff"; which is a semi bio style comic. The return of the book reviews (Starting with a couple that are way over due.), and the usual batch of silly cartoons, videos, news articles, and other points of interest that you've come to expect out of me.

Also, there are things in the works to consolidate all of IronChuck Presents and Neverland Transit Authority into its very own website. That could happen well before the end of the year. All the best of both sites in one convenient, easy to use station.

So, thanks for reading. Let's see if we can end this year with a bang!

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