Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Intergalactic Planetary!

Visit the solar system and see the planets at any given time from yester-year until the day after tomorrow! Learn fantastic and fun facts about the universe! All from the comfort of your own desk!

Blast off with The Solar System Scope

Now that's a laughing place...

The trend, starting years ago - I think actually by Disney, is to put cameras on roller coasters and sell you souviner pictures of your trip to that particular amusment park. This has, of course, posed a huge challenge for the random prankster. And no place has been quite the target like Disneyland's Splash Mountain. (Can you say "Flash Mountain"?)

I, myself, have tried to punk that camera, once. But, nothing - and I mean NOTHING - has ever cme close to this epic level of awesomeness!

Level up, everyone!

Monday, August 29, 2011

A sneak peek...

Yes, we've been busy over at Grand Central. Very, very busy. And, while some challenges are more... challenging... than others; the crew thought it'd be nice to give you a small premier of the new Grand Central Station...

It's still a work in progress, mind you. But, we hope to have the whole thing ironed out in the next couple of weeks.

Again, from all the hard working staff at the station, I'd like to thank you for your continued support and patronage. We're working hard to give you the kind of comics that will keep you reading, and reading all the way to your destination... IMAGINATION!

Charlie Irons
Neverland Transit Authority

Sunday, August 28, 2011


Yeah, I know I said posts here would continue during
Neverland Transit Authority's closure for remodeling.
I just didn't expect the entirety of what that remodel was going to entail.

We are, indeed, working very hard to get the new Grand Central Station set up and running. In the meantime, look for dispatches from the Office to pick up, again, in about a week.

Taking back the neighborhood from
rabid squirrels one pellet at a time.

For sure, this time.

No, really.

Honest, I mean it.

Here, enjoy this silly thing I made from a random snap shot at a friend's party a while back and we'll see you, again, in about a week...

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Thoughts of futures past...

Something to think about...

Neil Degrasse Tyson on Real Time with Bill Maher summing up one of the real "problems" with America, today; perhaps the world...

Meanwhile, Oren Lyons discusses an exchange between himself and a group of CEO's about the questions of tomorrow, and what will be left for anyone...

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Life's a Beach!

Took a small break from the head pounding task of rebuilding Neverland Transit Authority to have a drive about with The Dangermouse. The intent was to hit Franks's Place for a couple brews, a snack, and ocean gaze for a while. Unfortunately that was a lot of other folk's idea, too. After some poking around, I found a new place!

And guess what? I actually remembered to take pictures, this time!

The view from our parking spot at Frank's Place.
The Dangermouse was afraid we'd fall over.

Of course, with a second look,
he may have course to worry!

Miramar Beach Restaurant. It ain't sucky.
It ain't cheap, either!
Yes, it'd been there a while..
How it got there was the real question!

Running with the beachcomber!

The temple stood brazen against the day
but would fall, later, to rampant kiddies...

Shortly after this shot I learned that objects in view finder...

Back at Frank's Place and the tide was coming in.

Looking back at the perfect place to perch and think about
absolutely nothing at all!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Pardon our mess: Closed for Construction

Hard at work in the NTA shop yard...
 There's a lot going on, right now, behind the scenes at Neverland Transit Authority. So much so that we've found we need to close Grand Central Station for the rest of August.

During that time, the crew will be hard at work mending rails, fixing up passenger cars, and retooling the engine. Renovations will also be under way at the station, as well.

Hopefully, if all goes well, we'll reopen service on September 2nd, 2011; finishing up Galactic Gun: The Adventures of Justin Bailey in "Pocket Full of Posies".

Of course, in an effort to stay connected with our ridership, The Conductor's Office will remain open, with updates beginning, again, next week.

From the entire crew, I'd like to thank you all for your patience and your patronage. We look forward to serving you, again, in the future for all your imagination destinations.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

What would be a geeky safe word?

Geek and Kink are not, usually, two words that get associated with each other too often. Unless, of course, you're in New Jersey and you're Jeff Mach. Then it's cause for an event!

And, I have to be honest, though my geek is high and my kink is low, I'm fascinated by the idea of learning coupled with sexual fetish. Well, it would have made college more interesting...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A couple of musical birthdays to note...

Thirty years old, today, MTV. Wow. Once you were the heart of a generation...
Now? Eh, you're just a heartless sell out. But, you were someone, once.
And here's what you played on day one, when the "M"
still stood for Music...

Happy 53rd to Michael Penn! From the age of The One Hit Wonder
this was his big, and only, debut. Do yourself a favor
and go "discover" his catalog. you'll be glad you did.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Daily character sketch: I am the night...

You know, as an adult, I can immediately see the flaw in the concept of dressing up like a winged freak to beat the snot out of bad guys and solve unsolvable crimes. But the seven year old in me, having opened his first real honest to goodness comic book? Oh no, it was magic. When I got a glimpse of that roof top vigilante, I knew, from that moment on, what I wanted to be when I grew up.

That's right, I wanted to be the God Damn Batman.

Well, turns out it takes a lot to be Batman. Money, for one; which I had none of. Helped to be a expert fighter and student of the arts of justice. And then there's the whole business of watching your parents murdered.

Yeah, in the end, I went for door #2; I became a cartoonist with one, and only one goal in my life; to make comic books.

But, like some many in comic-dom, I adore Batman; a mere mortal with a gimmick and ginormous mind... and a not so right in the head idea of vengeance. He was my gateway drug into the silly world of comics. And, though I lost my taste for capes a long time ago, I still have a soft spot for the old guy...