Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Now boarding: Stop! Look! Listen! 2011

Neverland Transit Authority is pleased to announce the arrival of the 2011 edition of Stop! Look! Listen! The Best of Station House Radio!

This is a collection of eighteen tracks of music that were added to the station musical archive in 2011 (Though not all titles are particularly a 2011 release.) that have, at some point, achieved tier 1 play status. And, as such, we, here at Grand Central, felt obliged to share with you, our loyal ridership.

Stop! Look! Listen! is, as always, yours for the asking; though it will only be in a very limited print run. So, better get your copy, soon!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Utah Avengers assemble!

Only makes sense, when you think about it. I mean; they already have that funny underwear.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Seasons' Greetings...

With a little help from epic comic nerd ItsJustAnotherRandomGuy,
I'd like, on behalf of all of Neverland Transit Authority,
wish you a happy holiday; no matter your personal, cultral bent.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Ho Ho Hello! It's My Drunk Kitchen!

It's Xmas...
How that's got anything to do with
Gingerbread houses is
way lost to me.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Oh Cathulu tree... Oh Cathulu tree...

How wriggly are your branches?!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Nineteen eighty what?

Okay, look; I do the best I can, for the most part, to make this place fun. And, while the focus is mainly about comics, cartoons, geekiness, and the like; occasionally some things come down the pipe that need our serious attention.

Such is the case of the Indefinite Detention bill that has recently passed Congress by a 93 to 7 vote... which, by the way, causes me to choke just thinking about... as it makes its way to be either vetoed or signed into law. And it's looking more than likely that this Bill of Rights crusher is going to get signed.

Why is this so awful? Well, in a nutshell, it declares the entirety of the world as a battle ground against terror, with he right to identify, and hold indefinitely, any person as a combatant.


We here at Neverland Transit Authority urge you to Tweet, blog, Facebook, email, or whatever it takes to get the word out about this egregious trespass on our civil liberties.

Remember, as Ben Franklin was said, that those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither.


Whether you want to give the credit to being Scottish, or not, is okay;
either way this tosser learned a valuable lesson...
Conductors have friends. Big friends.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tonight we blog in heck!

And a little snug, too!
Okay, so I'm off by one... sue me; My Drunk Kitchen was just too funny to wait.

So, yep, we did it; in a single year, we have now crossed the thershold of 300 posts.
Why, that's almost a post a day average!

Huh... I wonder if that's part of the reason I'm so damned tired a lot...?

It's not delivery... It's My Drunk Kitchen!

As always, beware the F-bombs!
NSFW language.

First Look: Signal to Noise

by Charlie Irons
coming Fall 2012

The life of any idea can be a funny road from first inception to final completion. No where is that best illustrated, in my work, than with this little diddy.

The first twinkling of this story started nearly twenty years ago, in my freshman year in college (Wow, was it that long ago?!) as a comedy deconstruction of the super hero. Pretty standard fair for that time; they were common in movies, books, and such.

But there were too many little things missing to glue all the points of the story together. So back into the vaults it went, presumably never to be heard from, again.

Until that is, the upheaval of the 2008/9 market crash, and the rampant greed, social movements, and class warfare that has culminated in its wake.

In its rebirth into a political commentary piece, many things have changed. Will this be action packed? Sure. Will it be funny? At times.

But this story, like your Conductor, has something to say. So, all I can say for sure is, don't expect what you've come to expect from Neverland Transit Authority.

I hope to start this book later in 2012.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Tree tracks...

It's that time of year, again. And we, here at Neverland Transit Authority's Grand Central Station, like many, enjoy the festive tradition of putting up a holiday tree.

And here it is, in all its plastic, pre-wired glory!

Yes, trimmed with glowing holiday lights is this little artificial beauty. Lovingly erected by yours truly in the station's sitting lounge, this bad boy has witnessed many a holiday ritual.

Of course, to fully appreciate it, you have to take a closer look...

Yep, that's right... from top to bottom this thing is covered - COVERED - with tiny trains and locomotives. Some ornaments date back over 30 years!

NOW it's officially the holidays here at
Grand Central Station!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Good night, Jerry

Jerry Robinson: Janurary 1922 to December 2011
It's not a secret: I love Batman. I love Batman, not only for who and what he is, but for how those who stand with him, and against him, define him. (And, to a degree, us, his fans and followers.)

In as much, then, I loved Jerry Robinson; who brought us both Robin the Boy Wonder - Batman's greatest ally, and The Joker - his greatest nemesis.

It's a somber night in old Gotham City. The circus is quiet, now. So, too, the asylum on the hill.


Train gaffed from One GIANT Step.
Is it that I miss the intoxication of feeding the new 21st century voyer craze? Is it the self stroking of a fragile ego? Could it be the desperate grip of a lonely guy looking for any attention he can find?

Well, I am a cartoonist producing my own comic; so that last one may not be too far off. However, if you've looked over to the left, you've no doubt noticed that I now have a Twitter feed.

Why? Well, because... I really just wanted to tell people how awesome spaghetti is when you're sick, that's why.

And, of course, to keep connected with friend, associates, and the random NTA Comics ridership that might happen by The Conductor's Office.

So, please, feel free to follow, contribute, and inspire. We'll be looking for you on board The Twitter Express!

Walking in a Minatur Wunderland!

I know where I want to go for my next vacation!!!!

Where's the "ka-boom?!"

From the amazing designs of Mike Kungl!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Tis the Season!

We've been swamped here, at Gand Central Station; so there haven't been any posts for a bit. Sorry about that. However, this has got to be the best seasonal decorating I have ever seen. Ever.

I think I know how we're decorating the station next xmas...