Monday, October 29, 2012

The Return of All Hallows Rock 2012

It's with ghoulish pride that Neverland Transit Authority announces the arrival of the
1313 Ghost Train Special!
Our destination?
A seriously rockin' haunted house party!

In the past years, Neverland Transit Authority has provided its ridership with the sound track to a swinging good wake, each and every Halloween, since our first train rolled out of the station, four years ago.

This year we return to our roots, making your All Hallows a frightfully festive affair. This disc is only for those brave souls who dare to rouse the spirits of funk and fun.

Fifteen tracks running and just under an hour; perfect for leading up to the witching hour, for you brave and foolish mortals. Plus, as always, our usual coffin box of fun, too.

Seating is limited on the Ghost Train Special, so hurry and raise an undead conductor near you!

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