Thursday, October 20, 2005

One slipped by from that last post...

I thought I lost this one, but here it is.

Roll 'em!

Movies; it's all in the marketing.

Harry sure has danced his way into America's hearts.

Now this would have made the show funnier... not like it was funny to begin with.

All this talk of TV and films makes me hungry for popcorn.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Another installment of all hot jpeg action!

Always make sure the airbags work properly in your car.

I got nuthin'.

I know Cat-Fu!

Ricky works his Dance-Fu!

Some ad campains are more successful then others.

CalTrans unleashes the mother of all road working machines.

Nope, still got nuthin'.

After a night of Budweiser and spicy ribs... ouch!

Rap us another story, grandpa...

Oh, those wacky Japanese.

So, which one of these has the +3 bag of dorkness?

This just boggles the mind!

It's too easy, not safe for work, and illustrates that there are too many fuglies in my scene.


I had a dream that started out just like this.

Uhhh.. still got nuthin'.

Because, let's face it, it is.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Geeks and goths... and some other stuff, too...

Einstein said it was relative. NASA puts his relatives to the test.

The states, from smartest to dumbest... I got nuthin'.

I'm glad we're getting a handle on this problem.

8 foot gargoyle offense and evil? Well, of course they are. Duh!

... and I wept.

However, it seems PIXAR is about to do real well for itself.

Whoa... I won't say no the next time I get asked out to the Sadie Hawkins...

From the next “Girls Gone Wild” video department...

Exploring alternative power sources...

Nah... it can't be...

Helping geeks out, everywhere!

Where scout walkers come from...

One step closer to mech armor. Anime fans rejoice!

Well, they're not Lt. Col. Samantha Carter; women of the world's armed forces...

Analyzing fandom.

I saw this cartoon, already... it won't end well.

This has a +10 funny...

Is this what you call “seasonal violence”?

Poop today?

Teen Girl Squad from Strong Bad...

The history of life in 50 seconds... as brought to you by Guiness.

Barkeep! Another!

Party animal!

Can't we all get along?

Something new to spy in the checkout line?

I got nuthin'.

Friday, October 7, 2005

Gone fishin'...

Well, not really. I'm on my way to SoCal to the big house of mouse. While I'm gone, I'll leave you with War of the Words, in thirty seconds... as performed by bunnies. BUN-ney!

Sunday, October 2, 2005

Art, film, and a very, very wrong picture with food.

Just in time for Halloween!

The secret ending to the new Potter film revealed!

As art goes, this is just a drop in the bucket, really.


I...I got nuthin'.

Screw the secret message, I'm just happy to hear she has a new album coming!

Digicam? Check. Lipstick? Check. Popular Aqua tune? Check. Ten pounds of smack? Check.


Great animation. Odd little story. Eh, it's German.

This one's just because it's cool.


Rock on, video game pianist!

Nope, still got nuthin.