Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Another installment of all hot jpeg action!

Always make sure the airbags work properly in your car.

I got nuthin'.

I know Cat-Fu!

Ricky works his Dance-Fu!

Some ad campains are more successful then others.

CalTrans unleashes the mother of all road working machines.

Nope, still got nuthin'.

After a night of Budweiser and spicy ribs... ouch!

Rap us another story, grandpa...

Oh, those wacky Japanese.

So, which one of these has the +3 bag of dorkness?

This just boggles the mind!

It's too easy, not safe for work, and illustrates that there are too many fuglies in my scene.


I had a dream that started out just like this.

Uhhh.. still got nuthin'.

Because, let's face it, it is.

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