Sunday, March 29, 2009

Wait... WHAT!?

In case you just missed that,
the rep from Illinois just dismissed global warming
in hand based on... yes, you guessed it... the bible.
Not only that, but this was also part of an argument
to repeal parts of the clean air act in in order to
reopen coal mines and refineries versus investing in
clean, renewable energies.

Seriously; we elect these people to govern?!
We deserve what we get, then.

Hot or cold? You decide...

Katy Perry


Los Colorados...?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Friday, March 20, 2009

Damn I'm old...

Yesterday was my 35th birthday, so somehow this seemed appropriate...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

It has begun!

Galactic Gun: The Adventures of Justin Bailey
has offically launched

All aboard!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

How to open a champagne bottle with a saber...

Because, you know, you may just need
that something speical for your next party.

Inside the Conductor's Office: Pin-ups, pubs, and video game guitar!

Welcome to another edition of "Inside the Conductor's Office", the segment where I open up my sketchbook and let you take a peak into my rather scary mind...

Yes, that's Kali, again, from the pin up I posted quite a while back. I've been working on a new lay out for the first Galactic Gun pin up, going for more natural pose; something that looks less arranged for something more convieniantly suggestive and believable. Also of note is the refining of her look from the proto-manga looking block form to the more curve based cartooning I'm using now.

The flying blond powerhouse, to the right, is an up coming character that will prove to bring a fun level of chaos to the crew of the No. 7. Below her is the work up for a priest that will be in the third story, "Wedding Bell Blues."

The little hobbit shack in the corner? I have no idea; it just sort of came out one day. It does make a nice hermit house or remote wizard's tower. I think I can work it in, somewhere.

A little while back, I got to talking with some friends about putting together a themed bar; based off an article I found that was lamenting, in the Denver area, the lack of decent Irish styled pubs. Through a series of twists and turns I came up with a sort of Steam punk-ish themed place called "Livingston's Dark Safari Lounge". You can see the initial logo design to the right.

The locomotive in the corner is based off of a Fisher Price pull along toy - my first toy train - from 1964. Technically the toy is ten years older than me, and, to be honest, isn't my original one. (Praise to eBay for reuniting me with my childhood.) But, I have lots of fond memories of that toy, and it was the basis for the original train used in my first NTA logo. (There's a new one which I'll be unveiling soon.)

The orange fuzzy in the corner is, yes, a Galactic Gun character. The red headed nude? Just random art-ness.

And here we have Samus Aran. (I told you she's gonna pop up every now and then.) This started as a test for some new art pens I got a while back. Nice ones. From Japan. That, in total, cost me over $100. Pens, it seems, I can't figure out how to use.

But this didn't turn out so bad, so I stuck up a logo for Metroid Metal (A Stemage side project.) and have been entertaining the idea of sending it their way.

In truth, though, I'm not too happy about this particular picture. I think I'm going to do a couple more, including using the Zero Suit. Most likely I'll go back to watercolor for the other two I have in mind.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Fire from rubber and water?!

This is definitely going to change
my views on "protected" sex.

Friday, March 13, 2009

GAME TIME! HD Tetris...

No, not all games belong in High Def.
However, it does promise HOURS of fun.

IronChuck says: READ THIS!

Holy cow! Two book reviews in the same week, let alone the same month?! Well, yes, true believers, and this is a score from Wondercon.

It's 3535, and man has moved to Mars, used it up, and left it for bigger places. It's the Reno, Nevada of its time; as tourist traps and casinos dart the barren red landscape. Those left behind to live there do so in poverty, paying (Sometimes quite literally) through the nose for breathable air. One professor's discovery could change that... if he hadn't just been murdered.
Boone, who works as a scavenger with his partner Lou, collects ancient lost human artifacts for Spinner, a giant talking bear that runs a junk yard and deals antiques on the side. It falls on them to solve the professor's murder and uncover his lost experiment before they, too, wind up all dead.

As sci-fi comics go, The Martian Confederacy has just about it all; action, suspense, comedy, and a kinky android. Brought to us by the creative team of Jason McNamara and Paige Braddock, the story is just serious enough, and hints just enough, to get you into the universe it inhabits without getting overly bogged down or preachy; much like some stories of similar vain can.

The art is done in a lose, cartoony style (My personal favorite, if you couldn't guess.) that goes well with the characters and story, and, rather than distracts, actually compliments it quite well. There are a few ironic twists in it; including a couple of plot wrap ups I didn't see coming.

There was only one snag, for me, in this book; the over use of reds. Everything is red, everywhere. I can see where this is used to show the Martian environment. And, in exterior shots, it works very well. But it seems a bit off, visually, for interior shots, as well as being a bit much, over all.

But, all in all, this is a fun, solid piece of work, that I enjoyed very much. Labeled as "Volume 1", I can tell you, quite honestly, that I am so looking forward to "Volume 2". (No pressure, guys.)

The Martian Confederacy vol. 1 is published by Girl Twirl Comics and is available for $15 in a small 143 page graphic novel format.

Hey! Look over there!

So, if you take a quick gaze to your right,
you'll see, under the link for NTA Comics,
that I've added a list of music links.
You should go check them out.

Happy birthday, Mr. Internet...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

News from the Station!

Well, it's the last week before
we roll out our first comic over at
and, hopefully, I don't have to tell you
how excited I am. The first of four chapters
is in the bank, and I've gained
a new "mastery" of Photoshop.

If you take a peek over at Grand Central,
you'll not only see the nifty
countdown clock added, but also
a list other web comics
I like to read while tending the tracks.
I'm always adding to the list, so keep checking.

Now it's gone too far!

Stupid church and its anti-fig policies!!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Calvin and Hobbes: The Later Years

Over the years I've come to except that the character of Calvin,
from the beloved strip Calvin and Hobbes,
was, in some way, about me.

Well, obviously Bill Watterson is still spying on me,
and now I have the proof!
(Red linked due to possible NSFW content.
Plus it might creep my girlfriend out.)

Pew pew pew pew...!

IronChuck says: READ THIS!

Welcome back to the irregular installment where I review a comic of personal note I feel you should be reading. I apologize that this section doesn't update as often as I would like. We're working on fixing that. As for now...

Quinn is a goof up pizza delivery guy who has just made a delivery to the wrong address. Krunk is a recently framed and disgraced police officer. They both have one thing in common; the hot thieving space babe Neoki, who is on the run from criminals she was supposed to steal an idol for.

Set in the colorful and humorous world of the far future, Outer Orbit follows the zany adventure of these three misfits as they clash with criminal elements, and each other, outwit card swindling thugs, and go on the lamb from space police. Oh, and then there's that whole incident at the coffee shop, and let's not get started on the space sheep...

Outer Orbit comes to us from the creative team of Zach Howard, Sean Murphy, and Reed Buccholz. Howard and Murphy actually share various writing and art credits through out the book. Colors are handled by the amazing Charlie Kirchoff, with letting by Thompson Knox.

The book starts off pretty much like an origins story, where we follow the main characters as they recount how they met and what had led them to where they are. Once, however, the back story catches up, it's a no hold barred Tour de Force of high paced action and comedy that had my cheeks hurting from laughing so hard.

Though amazingly written and illustrated, I do admit that, at times, the art was just a bit to kinetic, and the disjointed back and forth story telling (Think: Pulp Fiction) sometimes got me a little turned around; usually remedied, though, by a fast reread.

Outer Orbit is published by Dark Horse Comics as a graphic novel retailing for $12.95, and is available at comic book retailers, on line. and finer books stores.

New decade, same problems...

"Don't Give Up" by Peter Gabriel with Kate Bush was written about the economic crisis back in the early eighties; specifically in Europe. With my regular job in jeopardy, as well as millions of others here in America and around the world, this seemed somehow very relevant; even today.

Nuts to you, Frank!

Frank Miller is so good at ruining good comics,
why not expand to comic strips?

Monday, March 9, 2009

Friday, March 6, 2009

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Thank you, come again!

Man, this takes me back to my wage slave days...
Um, I mean my early wage slave days.

Sadly, I think we can all admit that
at some point we've been on both sides of this.

From the Conductor's Office: Insert Coin!

Inspiration comes from the weirdest places at the oddest times. Proof of that is sitting there, to the left. You remember that Pac-Man post a did a couple of days previous?

No? Go ahead and take a look. It's okay; I'll wait here until you're done.


So, that silly movie trailer got the old gears turning, and last night I sat at the art table and whipped this out. What is it? Well, it's the first visual work up for Neverland Transit Authority's next comic; "The Runner."

Set in a not too distant future where cities stack on top of each other and sprawl out for miles like twisted labyrinths, the only way to move sensitive information and packages is through a system of licenced specialized couriers; trained and prepared to move what you have to where it needs to go by any means necessary. Johnny Mann is one such runner; employed by Priority Allied Couriers. (P.A.C.)

Johnny has just been given an ultra-sensitive assignment; to move a package from the Nippon Imperial Union, across the Pacific Ocean, and to a firm in the United Pacific Coast; a small nation formed, after the fall of the United States, from the former states of California, Oregon, Washington, and Nevada.

But, danger lurks as ever step, turn, and twist is a high stakes race to complete the job, and stay alive. What secret does he carry in his satchel? How do they know his every move? And who is the mysterious woman that is tailing him at every turn?

The Runner... "In the city of tomorrow staying still will eat you alive."

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


A story with it all!

Lesbian sex, drugs, and cops...
just not the way you want it.

From the Conductor's Office: Sharing the doodle love!

Well, I've managed to survive yet another Wondercon; though I'm still doing it on the fan side of the table. And while I'm beginning to consider never crossing back (No, NTA is still full steam ahead.) I did catch a spark of inspiration walking and talking among the new creators in Artist's Alley.

At left is a sketch page with a few fun things on it. Obviously the big stand out is the attempt at a self portrait done in color pencils. Not too terribly accurate, I'm afraid; but very comic book like, at least. The sword in the corpse hands motive, there, is part of a large ensemble story for Galactic Gun that's far down the road, as is our braided warrior next to it.

The top corner is an extreme perspective thing (Don't ask, I was feeling "artsy".), and next to it is an exploration in character design; mainly focusing on hair. The robot is also from the comic, but more on him later. And lastly, I have no idea about the woman. I saw this sketch someone else shared and liked the pose.