Monday, June 8, 2009

IronChuck says: Listen to this!

Today I'd like to share with you E-Magine's 2002 release by electronica project Operatica, called "Shine".

In the same vain as Enigma, Operatica (Which is primarily just artist Lord Vanger with various rotating guests) takes electronic style music and mixes it with female lead vocals in gorgeous harmonies. The main diference between Operatica and groups like Enigma? While most go for a world sound, Lord Vanger takes it across to the realm of opera - If the name didn't give it away, already; though there is definitely world beat style influences through out.

"Shine" contains 10 tracks, from an interpretation of Edward Grieg's "Solvejg's Song", to Lord Vanger's own works - such as the title track "Shine" and the uplifiting "Under the Desert Sky".

Operatica takes its name not so much for the band as for the project, itself. Performers rotate in and out between tracks; and even writing duties are split and shared, giving the album a unique life all its own and insuring a varied listening experience. If I were to try and put my own label to it? I'd have to say it's like operatic techno trance.

Operatica:Shine is available from E-magine Enteratinment, and can be found on Amazon, and various online music retailers.

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