Thursday, October 6, 2011

Getting to know your Conductor...

I really miss this old meme from back in the My Space days...

1.What is your name?
To my face, or behind my back?

2.What color pants are you wearing?
Neil Diamond likes to be in them forever. (No, not mine; just the style.)

3. What are you listening to right now?

4. What are the last four digits of your phone number?
Okay, boundaries… Let’s set some, okay?

5. What was the last thing you ate?
Left overs!

6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?

7. Where do you plan to go on your honeymoon?

8. How is the weather right now?
As soon as I escape this madness for the outside world I’ll let you know.

9. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone?
The post office. No, really, I did.

10. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Is... is she actually talking to me? On Purpose?!

11. Do you like the person that sent you this?
She sure doesn’t suck. As a person, I mean. I have no idea what her other habits are.

12. How are you today?
Why? What have you heard?

13. What's your favorite soda?
You can never go wrong with a finally crafted root beer, I tell you.

14. What's your favorite non soda?
Beer. That counts, right?

15. How do you eat an Oreo?
I don’t.

16. Favorite sport?
Hut 1… Hut 2… Hut hut FOOTBALL!

17. What's the next CD you're going to get?
One does not plan the discovery of some musical treasure. One merely makes the discovery when he does.

18. Hair color?
Not as dark as it used to be.

19. Eye Color?

20. Do you wear contacts?
Well, I am in contact with a lot of things I wear.

21. Siblings?
“That boy is our last hope…”
“No, there is another.”

22. Favorite month?

23. Favorite food?
The kind I can eat, usually.

24. Last movie you watched?
Like, actually bought a ticket for?

25. Favorite day of the year?
I’m pretty particular to March 19th.

26. Are you too shy to ask someone out?

27. Do you like scary or happy movies better?
They aren’t the same?

28. Summer or Winter?
It’s all about Autumn, baby! (But Spring is pretty cool, too.)

29. Hugs or Kisses?
I’m good with a high-five.

30. Relationship or one night stands?
Had them both.

31. Chocolate or vanilla?
Both are usually connected to the moo-death.

32. Do you want your friends to write back?
I’d just be happy if they’d write.

33. Who is most likely to respond?
Since this isn’t going on Facebook? Probably no one.

34. Who is least likely to respond?
You know, I’d be surprised if anyone even read this.

35. Living Arrangements?
At the moment? Itinerate.

36. What books are you reading?
Are you counting graphic novels? Otherwise it’s a boring list.

37. What's on your mouse pad?
It’s got a choo-choo on it, of course. No, I don’t actually need it.

38. Favorite board game?
Wow… it’s been, like, forever since I played me some Sorry.

39. Favorite magazine?
I see they still make those.

40. Favorite smell?
You want me to pick just one?

41. Least favorite smell?
Again, you want me to pick just one?

42. Favorite sound?
You make it sound like I’m some sort of cat come running at the sound of an opening can.

43. Worst feeling in the world?

44. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning?
“Okay, is this real? Or, was that?”

45. Favorite color?
It’s the color of nature and the color of go!

46. How many rings before you answer the phone?
You know, my phone gets more texts than calls. I can’t even remember the last actual call I got.

47. Favorite Child's/animal's name?
Like all in one name?

48. Do you think the glass is half empty or half full?
Does it really matter when the waiter will be by any minute to refill it?

49. Favorite movies?
Does there have to be a type, or can I just say “the ones that don’t suck”?

50. What’s under your bed?
Bed? What is this bed of which you speak?

51. What is your favorite number(s)?
36-24-36. (Oh, come on, someone had to, right?)

52. One nice thing about the person who sent this to you?
Technically I stole this from her blog. But I can say she has way more talent that I ever did.

53. What CD do you have in your stereo?
I have only one stereo; which is in The Dangermouse. Currently we’re rocking out to some old Peter Gabriel.

55. Who do you have a crush on right now?
The sad part is that I’m 37 years old, and I actually do have a crush.

56. Favorite Walt Disney movie?
Like, one they actually made? Or just one they threw their name on? These days you have to be specific.

57. Favorite saying or words?
“The most beautiful stones have been polished by the roughest seas.”

Some of these things are answered by me;
some tongue in cheek, and some very seriously.
Except number fifty four.

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