Sunday, February 26, 2012

Cashing Out...

He would have been eighty years old, today...
Happy Birthday, Johnny Cash. We still miss you.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Good night, Pinball Wizard...

Steve Kordek
Dec. 1911 to Feb. 2012
Steve Kordek didn't invent the game of pinball, he made it the game it is, today. His simple tweak on the "pin game" table revolutionized an entire entertainment industry, bringing joy to our faces, and something for The Who to sing about.

Starting at a small company called Genco, he would eventually work for both Bally, and then Williams, before it closed its pinball division, in 1999; staying on as an archivist.

He left us February 19th of this year at the age of 100, and is survived by his large and loving family.

Steve never tired of the clang, clack and buzz of pinball, once telling the Chicago tribune; “I had more fun in this business than anyone could believe."

Friday, February 24, 2012

"Okay, one more for the family album... and look over here, please..."

The crew of the No.7 by Charlie Irons

One of the funny things I think of, as I get better and better at doing this, has been how backwards some of my skill sets have been; whether in building, or rebuilding.

What do I mean? Well, for example, when young children, novice cartoonists, and such, start out, you tend to get a lot of faces in either profile, or straight on. Considered the more dynamic, and difficult, three quarter turned face is generally something that develops with time and experience; as our ability to render, and visually tell stories grow.

Me, on the other hand? Yeah, not so much. Rarely is there ever a profile, or straight on, anything; let alone a face. It just doesn't seem so natural, even though we encounter these things in real life, all the time. Maybe it's how the page flattens things so much, I don't know.

At any rate, Kali, our lone brave character, has chosen the challenge of looking right at the audience. And while her face is, more or less, in proportion, her decision on poses ended up created all kinds of issues for me. Could be the limits of a cartoon style, or the limits of the cartoonist.

I imagine, as I get more comfortable, we'll start to see all kinds of different panel and page compositions, in the future. For now, though, enjoy this little group photo...

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Who's who?

Moss grows fat on unused tracks...
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know; "IronChuck, it's gotten all quiet at your office, again."

Hey, I'm working hard on a few things, over here; so it's going to probably be quiet for a couple more days. You know what you could do, though? Maybe pop over to  Neverland Transit Authority and check out our new - work in progress - Cast and Crew page!

 In the meantime, we're cooking up some exciting things that have got me really busy; like moving the entire station, for starters. Once the dust settles, and I don't have to so frantically work the boilers and rail switches, there'll be more content, here, again.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

A banner idea!

What you're squinting at, above, is my very first banner! It's impossible to believe, but, getting on two years for Neverland Transit Authority, and I have yet to drop the comic into more than just one web ring.

I know, really; "how has that even been possible," you're asking. (Well, okay, I would hope you'd care enough to ask.)

Well, I won't bore you with the psychological ramblings behind the why; just that I've finally gotten off my duff and am doing something more about it than a weekly, random dump on Reddit.

I have to admit, though; this was a fun little exercise. As soon as I can make me some fancier ones - animated, linked, etc., I'll be showing them off and offering them up for the linking and posting.

At any rate, here it is; my first banner...


And now it's official! NTA Comics has joined Top Web Comics! Click the banner, below, to vote for yours truly over at TWC, right now!!!!!!!

What breed is a "Dub Step"...?

Okay, it's still a couple days before Caturday, but...

Monday, February 13, 2012

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Friday, February 10, 2012

Well, it's a look...

Kali by Charlie Irons 2/8/12
You know, although I'm very happy with the expressiveness and readability of the current render style of the characters of Galactic Gun - as much dictated by economy of time, as by intent, I'm never satisfied with it.

I know I can do "better". Or, at the least, I know it can look better.

So, I'm constantly playing with my art style, exploring possible other looks for the world of Justin Bailey and his crew of misfits. The idea is to increase the visual aesthetics of the story to draw the reader deeper in.

In short, to create the best possible comic experience I can.

"Cutie Kali", here, is one such recent attempt during one of my latest character jams. She's about as close to manga, I suppose, than I will ever feel comfortable with. (Saying a lot when you learn that, in my early teens, manga was the only style I wanted to draw in. Hey, I was young.)

I'm still hammering out what the "new look" will be for the comic, after the conclusion of The Twisted Case of Station 77; or even the order of the stories, for that matter. No matter what, though, you can rest assured I'm always playing around with how to make my comics better for your reading pleasure.

Drawn out silence....

charcacter doodle by Charlie Irons 2/8/12
No, I'm pretty sure this young lass is, in fact, not looking back at this text, wondering as to the whereabouts of your intrepid Conductor.

She is, however, striking her pose to let you know that, despite what it may look like, I am, indeed, still quite alive and kicking.

Seriously, it's been quiet around here, lately. And, in case you hadn't heard, it's for good reason.

But, just to reassure you all that I'm still at it, making comics, and such, here is a quick doodle up from a recent character jam session.

Things are still moving along, over at Neverland Transit Authority. So, if you haven't, already, stop by Grand Central and give the station hands some love!

Thursday, February 2, 2012


It's official... I'm old...