In the not too distant future, where megalopolis is stacked atop megalopolis, Mannie Rodriguez - working for Personal Allied Couriers - takes a delivery for his friend as a favor.
But, when his friend winds up dead, and Mannie's on the run for his life, he finds himself caught up in a mad dash to make - what might be - his final delviery of the night.
The Runner is a small pet project I've had on the back, back, back, back burner for a couple years, now. But, it was this movie poster project for my Studio 2 class at school that's brought it back to the forefront, and into the 2013 schedule.
True to its name, and the source that spawned it, The Runner will feature a whirlwind of action and excitment; with my usual touch of commentary and introspection, to boot.
Look for it this coming Summer from Neverland Transit Authority!
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