Wednesday, January 2, 2013

First look and first post of 2013!

Well, now, looks like we've all managed to survive the Mayan apocalypse just fine...

Okay, well, almost all of us, I suppose...

Anyway, if you've been reading the comics over at Neverland Transit Authority - and really, why would you be here if you already weren't - then you know that I've got some pretty hefty plans for 2013. And what better time then now to unviel the first product of those illustrious plans, right here, right now.

So, without further ado, I give you the cover for this year's first print release of Galactic Gun: The Adventures of Justin Bailey in Pocket Full of Posies!
Master lay out: read reverse - front is to the right, back on the left
 There's an extensive amount of clean up involved with the old pages. To create, or preserve, continuity I will be having to redraw bits of frames, whole frames, or - in some cases - entire pages. In all likelyhood I will end up redrawing the entire story. if that happens, it'll convert into the 6 inch by 8 inch page format I've been running with since Bookmarks.

Next will come the more interesting phase. While clean up and reworking begins, I'll be shopping around looking for a publishing house. If I can't get anywhere with that, by March, then it looks like NTA Comics will be launching a KickStarter to get the funding it'll take to make this a reality.

Obviously there'll be more news coming, so keep your eyes open, dear readers. And, as always, thank you for your patronage! Your ridership means so much to all of us at Neverland Transit Authority!

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