Sunday, January 31, 2010

Karaoke parody in progress...

Ta-da! IronChuck has been busy with other project, outside of the floundering Galactic Gun.

This is a promotional poster in development for Roger Niner Karaoke; which started as just an inside joke involving The Karaoke Ninja - a throw away character and running gag for a few years now.

I have no idea from what dark, silly part of my mind he sprung from, but I've been scribbling him down on napkins and paper slips for some time. Lately he's migrated into the world of Roger Niner, and the epic silliness that ensues any given night.

Once finished, this will be a promotional poster parodying a famous martial arts movie. From there, I think I may have a little fun and do one or two more; each a parody from another film genre.

Stuff: Car Sick

(Click to enlarge.)
So, after two tows and a few hundred dollars, it seems that poor old Dangermouse has a failing cpu. And how much will it cost to replace a small little plastic bow with circuit board and heat sink? $500! (And that's before tax.)

Of course, Mama Irons has a point when she exclaimed; "why does a car need a computer, again?! There's no computer in a '58 Dodge truck, and it runs just fine." Of course, her point aside, it's important to remember that DM can go over one third of the coast on a single tank of gas and puts out very little pollutants, compared to the '58 Dodge.

"The Mamoth" (No, not a spelling error; that's how he pronounces it.) is a loaner. He's a '92 GMC Sierra. He has a turning radius measured in yards. His fuel economy is rated in gallons per mile. He has a cassette deck and an old radio. I've been fiddling with the radio, trying to find some decent music. Clearly radio stations have suffered much since I last tuned in; every hour of programming is really less than twenty minutes of music. Most of it is just the same crap served over and over and over again.

I get Dangermouse back this coming weekend. I'm gonna burn me up some major music discs and we're going on a road trip...

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Friday, January 29, 2010

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My card...

Beware, the next time they're
passing out business cards at
the big meeting; it could also

Rockin' Robin?

It's supposed to be avaunt guard...
But I bet you've got the same
silly grin I do, now.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Metered fun!

After months of hard work and a huge learning curve,
I am proud to announce the release of
The Comic Hero Meter for the iPhone

Friday, January 22, 2010

In brightest day, in darkest night, no evil shall eascape my cosplayer might!

I got to tell you, I'm beginning to rethink
my objections to the whole
Green Lantern thing...

Oh, Four Tuna!

I always wondered what the words were...

Hover cat is going up stairs...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Stuff: Rainy Day Commute

(Click to enlarge)

So the first major storm hit the Silicon Valley this week; dumping loads of water everywhere. And while we really need it, many here wish we got it more in small amounts through the year, and less all at one time at the beginning.

Personally, I wish so many California commuters brains weren't water soluble. Seriously, it's really wet and slippery out there, folks. How about easing up on the pedal a little, okay?

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Game Time!

First Person Tetris...
Crap, am I dizzy!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Welcome to Cecil Field spaceport!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Unbroken Thread

The fourth video from the Symphony of Science series...

Thursday, January 7, 2010

It's geeky... and it tastes delicious!

100 cupcakes, 100 games.
Can you name them all?
(And not get hungry?)

Oh yeah?! Well, you know what you are...?

Looking for a good put down?
Let cinema be your guide.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Kick ass?

And here we go folks. The bloody, and over the top,
mini series from Marvel, Kick Ass, is coming to the big screen.
Curious? Check out the general audiences trailers...

And, the RED BAND trailer...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

2009, a year in review...

From the kids at Jib Jab...

Things that make you go "hmmmm"...

The end of the old year and the beginning of the new is usually the season for lists.
So, here's a list of 50 things we know now that we didn't know this time last year.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Stuff: So long, 2009.

(Click to enlarge.)

Holy shite... has it been a year, or what?! Lay offs, tanking economy, foreclosures, a political mess in the capitol, escalating wars... The list just goes on.

Yeah, I had a regular day job that paid for my adventures abroad, as well as here, in cyberspace. But a corporate merger, and out sourcing of my position, all to save money in a declining market, took just about everything away from me. Again. (And for the record, my break up didn't have as much to do with my job loss as other personal issues.)

It's been a tough few months, as I get back on my feet, heading forward into that big, beautiful horizon, once more. Yeah, I've got me some resolutions; get back into shape (Boy, can being unemployed pack on the pounds!), get myself deeper into the music scene, make a ton of new friends, blog a lot more, and - of course - get the comic running again.

I'd like to take a moment to send a big thanks to Roger Niner and all the karaoke regulars at The Swingin' Door (As well as the occasional Sunday at Butter.); those crazy nights helped keep me going in so many ways. Couldn't have done it with out you all!

Alright, 2010... Come get some!