Sunday, January 31, 2010

Stuff: Car Sick

(Click to enlarge.)
So, after two tows and a few hundred dollars, it seems that poor old Dangermouse has a failing cpu. And how much will it cost to replace a small little plastic bow with circuit board and heat sink? $500! (And that's before tax.)

Of course, Mama Irons has a point when she exclaimed; "why does a car need a computer, again?! There's no computer in a '58 Dodge truck, and it runs just fine." Of course, her point aside, it's important to remember that DM can go over one third of the coast on a single tank of gas and puts out very little pollutants, compared to the '58 Dodge.

"The Mamoth" (No, not a spelling error; that's how he pronounces it.) is a loaner. He's a '92 GMC Sierra. He has a turning radius measured in yards. His fuel economy is rated in gallons per mile. He has a cassette deck and an old radio. I've been fiddling with the radio, trying to find some decent music. Clearly radio stations have suffered much since I last tuned in; every hour of programming is really less than twenty minutes of music. Most of it is just the same crap served over and over and over again.

I get Dangermouse back this coming weekend. I'm gonna burn me up some major music discs and we're going on a road trip...

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