Friday, January 1, 2010

Stuff: So long, 2009.

(Click to enlarge.)

Holy shite... has it been a year, or what?! Lay offs, tanking economy, foreclosures, a political mess in the capitol, escalating wars... The list just goes on.

Yeah, I had a regular day job that paid for my adventures abroad, as well as here, in cyberspace. But a corporate merger, and out sourcing of my position, all to save money in a declining market, took just about everything away from me. Again. (And for the record, my break up didn't have as much to do with my job loss as other personal issues.)

It's been a tough few months, as I get back on my feet, heading forward into that big, beautiful horizon, once more. Yeah, I've got me some resolutions; get back into shape (Boy, can being unemployed pack on the pounds!), get myself deeper into the music scene, make a ton of new friends, blog a lot more, and - of course - get the comic running again.

I'd like to take a moment to send a big thanks to Roger Niner and all the karaoke regulars at The Swingin' Door (As well as the occasional Sunday at Butter.); those crazy nights helped keep me going in so many ways. Couldn't have done it with out you all!

Alright, 2010... Come get some!

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