Tuesday, November 1, 2011

First Peek! Stop, Look, Listen! The best of Station House Radio.

Cover design by Charlie Irons
 And here we have it; the first mock-up for our end of year musical collection: Stop, Look, Listen!

It's not a lie to say that, in many ways big and small, music has been a huge influence on me and the titles I write. Why, whole story arcs have turned on a mere tune, from time to time; not to mention the fate of some characters.

But, more than that, music is that magical language that speaks to us in so many ways, binding us through common feelings, thoughts, and experiences.

We, here at Neverland Transit Authority, are always in a hunt for music outside the range of the charts; new, fresh, independent music. True music, crossing a veritable landscape of genres. Not only does this play at Grand Central's emerging "Station House Radio", but we also want to share these finds with you, our loyal riding patrons.

Stop, Look, Listen! will be available starting December of 2011; featuring some of the best discoveries of the past year. Not everything will have been a release of this past year, mind you, but added to our libraries this past year.

We look forward to sharing these treasures with you.

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