Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Gettin' back on track!

Okay, sure; maybe I'm biased, just a little. Okay, okay; I'm biased a lot.

However, this does make massive amounts of practical sense. You see, pictured above are five countries that have rail systems that link their country, and others, all over Europe and Asia. At the fast and comfortable speeds these trains travel at - with impeccable safety, I might add - a train pass can take you over nearly the whole of the continent in a matter of a couple days.

Meanwhile, if I wanted to, say, take a train from San Francisco to Los Angeles -
a trip any of these trains can make in an hour -
 it would take me nearly an entire day.
And that's not so much because the service is slow
as to actually find that service.

Look, before we get all Ayn Rand here, we need to accept a few things. And first, and foremost, in this crazy economy, is that, when everything is as tight and desperate as it has gotten, the call to limit government to an extreme is ridiculous when government has become the primary customer who, through spending on infrastructure, can revitalize our nation.

That, and we'll get some really cool new trains, too! Just sayin'...

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