Friday, January 27, 2012

Good evening, Commisioner'd...

Ugh... I seriously need to come up with better "witty titles"...

At any rate, just thought I'd show off my latest commissioned piece
for the enigmatic Roger Niner, karaoke host extraordinaire!

Up, up, and away... to good time karaoke fun!
Roger Niner has picked up a new gig,
and he asked me to come up with a flyer image
based off of his idea.

No, really; this was all his idea.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

8 Bit Bikini!

I have got to give it to artist extraordinare Glen Brogan for nailing it right out of the park with Neverland Transit Authority's favorite video game femme fatale - as well as its first female protaganist.

No, really; anyone worth his weight in Zebetites was shocked... SHOCKED, I tell you... to beat Metroid and, if they did it right... or knew one of the codes... saw this:

While her current mythos has now dubbed her famous wears as "Armor Suit" and "Zero Suit", this little number was only available to view after you had unlocked, what is now called, the "Bailey Suit" (Though both the Bailey Suit and the bikini are actually reachable without codes, most of us just used it, anyway.)

The Union of Earth and the state of Man...

I know it's been quiet over here at my office for the past week. More on that, soon. Right now I'm digesting the State of the Union speech from our current president. His message was very positive, and forward thinking.

Unfortunately, this is all I could hear...

I want so badly for the peoples of the world to wake up, look around, and realize what we're becoming, what we're losing, and what we have yet to gain. I want it so bad I sometimes cry over it.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

A thought, a prayer...

Taken by a Routers' photographer in Hu Yuanjia, On November 25th, 2011. The uncredited photographer recalls:

“I remember clearly that it was about 5 p.m. on November 25. I was just finishing an assignment photographing retired military soldiers bidding farewell to their comrades at the train station. On my way out, I heard someone yelling from a corner and soon after lots of people gathered around. I ran towards the sound and made my way to the front of the crowd, only to find an old man dead on the bench. As I raised my camera, a Buddhist monk walked out of the crowd and went directly towards the dead man. The monk bent down to hold the old man’s hand and started to chant scriptures. I began to take pictures immediately. One minute later, police came over and cordoned off the area. After the monk finished the ceremony, he bowed to the old man and quickly disappeared among the other busy passengers.”

I think of all the images of the past year, this one will stay with me for the rest of my life, for many reasons. Maybe it's the comforting idea that someone may be there to guide me to whatever afterlife I may meet. Maybe that someone will actually care, if if he, or she, is a completely random stranger.

Or, perhaps, that that person may end up being me...

Peace and grace be with you. Whether we end up breeding a world of such compassion and thought, or not, be the warm light of hope to your neighbor; regardless if they be familiar, or not. Better yet, go introduce yourself...

See this, and the rest of the set from 2011 here.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Conductor is for The Net...

Today we take a stand agains SOPA and PIPA. Today is the day we vote to protect free speech and the emerging new frontier of communication, commerce, and activism. Today is the day we show people where we stand.

Today we vot for The Net. Will you?

Click the badge to sign the petition, stay informed, and find who, in our governement, wants to take away your First Ammendment Right just to benefit some Hollywood execs for a few dollars in their pockets.

Monday, January 16, 2012

White Collar Holler

A working shanty for the cube jockies
that is, in fact, thrity years old,
by Stan Rogers.

Sunday, January 15, 2012


This has been stuck in my head for a few days, now.

Either I'm missing my Doctor Who
(The current poor writing has driven me off for a time.)
or Rotorsand is turning my Goth, again...

You laugh, now. Just wait; in a couple of days
you'll be getting al Dalek down the halls of work, too.

You're welcome.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

... When I held aloft my magic claw and said...

Happy Caturday, everybody!

Yeah, I know, it's been a quiet week here at The Conductor's Office. I've been busy fixing the wreckage over at Grand Central Station. Needless to say, once we get all the pieces accounted for, things will start picking up, again.

I promise...

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Desert caravan... train?

Maybe I could come up with some clever rip on the Burnering Man Express, or something... Truth is, it's just a neat picture of a locomotive graveyard. Original photographer or location unknown, lifted from Satunnainen.

When worlds collide...

... they can rock!

And sometimes they can create very beautiful things.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Escape with the Club!

Let me give you three reasons why I am so excited about February 9th, 2012...

February 7th, 2012 is the return of 80's one-hit-wonder The Escape Club, after twenty years, with their new album Celebrity. Surely you remember their big eighties hit, right?

Okay, okay, I know; massive cheesy retro eighties cheese, Chuck. However, I would retort, this is one of the unsung bands of its time. Seriously, go spelunking around Youtube and find some of their other songs from either Wild, Wild West or Dollars and Sex.(And, if you can find them, tracks from White Fields.)

Go ahead, I'll wait...

See? Does not suck. Actually rocked, didn't they?

The new album, Celebrity, is out in stores Tuesday February 9th. You're gonna want yourself a copy.
You can thank me, later.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Mark the days...

Holy heck... I just wanted a 2012 calendar with some trains on it...

SLO down for a book and a sandwich...

I survived a road trip with
IronChuck and all he took
was this silly picture.
This past week I needed an escape from Grand Central Station. So, I grabbed some lovely company, hopped in the Dangermouse and headed south; just to see what I could see. After a few hours on the PCH, I found myself in the fun central coast town of San Luis Obispo... AND IN THE PRESENSE OF THE MOST AWESOMEST SANDWICH, EVER.
Not as pretentious as it sounds!

Kruezberg CA is, I have to admit, so close to a hipster hang out it's unnerving. Except that this coffee shop is also a "book bar"; eclectic hog poging of furniture surrounded by piles and piles of used books for the reading... or buying. ($4 a book, 10 for $30.) But that's not all. In the back, staffed by the same bunch of friendly, lovely people as the front counter/coffee bar, is the kitchen of heavenly dining wonders.

What a great way to get to know the giants of literary history!
I can now say, quite honestly, that I have had the best sandwich, ever, in all my 37 years of sandwich eating - the "Amy Tan". Getting near on a week, and everything I eat still pales next to it.

How much extra for the shirt AND the girl?

Try and say no to this. Go ahead, try.
 Will I road trip back? Oh and how I will, you bet! Next on my "to eat" list? The Samuel Clemens. If I make a day of it I may start off with a Tennessee Williams breakfast, and finish with something off the dinner menu.

Poor but sexy? Yes. yes, indeed. And when I hit the joint, again, I'll be sure to pick myself up some memorabilia, too.

Staffed by great people, and serving some wonderful food -with piles of books to enjoy - this could easily be NTA Comics SLO Station; when I want to pack up the art supplies and just "get away from it all". Seriously, if you're in the area, you need to stop here for a coffee, a snack, or even just a quick read.

Then you can thank me later...

Happy cosmic New Year...

Just a little something to get us into the right mind set for the new year.
As always, a huge thanks to Callum for his sensational
Carl Sagan tributes.

Sunday, January 1, 2012


There were many things to come out of 2011; some grand, and some nearly horrific.
In a couple days I'll cover the what's what.
But, this... This needs its own post.
It may have been the greatest thing to come out of last year, entirely on its own!