Friday, March 30, 2012

Sketch Daily: March 30th - Free Draw

Off Her Chest by Charlie Irons
pen & ink w.Photoshop

It's Free Draw Friday over at Sketch Daily! And, in honor of National Cleavage Day, I give you... BEWBS!

I have to say, not one of my better pieces, for sure. Of course, I did whip this out in about thirty minutes with no real plan.

But, hey... I got to draw bewbs!

And, since I've had zero time this past week, to participate, you can bet I wasn't going to pass this up.

Man, I need to get out more often...

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Foolish Mortals...

April 1st is coming...
Are you ready?

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Faux Noise...

Recently, a Fairleigh Dickinson University’s PublicMind Poll found that those who watched Fox News were not only less - or worse - informed than those who watched other media outlets, but were worse informed than those who reported not to watch any news media outlet.

I found that hard to believe... until this.

You know, Ruport Murdoch and his media empire in the UK is under criminal investigations, with high ranking executives under arrest, and such. Here? Here, in the United States, he thrives.

And I'm left to wonder why...

Friday, March 23, 2012

From the Conductor: What's happening at the Office and Station?

Art by Damion Mosier-Tidd
I know it's been spotty to quiet here, lately; things over at Grand Central have been very busy. (More on that, later.)

Of course, I wouldn't be musch of a Conductor if I weren't taking a little time to announc the coming and goings of Neverland Transit Authority.

So, if you haven't, already, take a jump over to the station. Right now we're capping off a three week run of guest art pages by Damion Mosier-Tidd, part of the 12 page short, Bookmarks, wirtten and inked by your illustrious Conductor, and colored by the talented Badger McInnes.

Also, things have been happening in the little world of Charlie Irons, so don't forget to get caught up with Stuff, too.

Once things settle, here, you can expect to find the usual level of entertainment you've come to expect from my office, and the crew of Neverland Transit Authority. And don't forget, you can follow my daily ramblings on my Twitter.

Thanks, again, for your ridership and patronage.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Sketch Daily for Marth 19th: Power Up!

Power Up! by Charlie Irons
Today's Sketch Daily assignment: concepts of any of the pretty abstract power-ups from old video games.

As abstract old video games go, this, I think, sure fits the bill!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Sketch Daily for March 16th: Free Draw Friday!

Kiss by Charlie Irons
pen & ink with Photoshop
I love Free Draw Friday on Sketch Daily.

I love boobies.

So, today, Free Sketch Friday has... BOOBIES!

Okay, okay; the honest truth?

I have been dying, lately, to stretch out my old art skills; do something much less cartoony, and much more, legitimately, artistic. And having this photo floating around, I thought, I'd give it a try.

Looks like my inner artist is still alive. He's a little undernourished, but still alive, none the less. I'm looking forward to more of this sensual style art deco pin-ups.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be in my bunk...

Gettin' your noodle goin'!

I have no idea what he's saying; only that I want a bowl of his noodle soup!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Sketch Daily for March 14th: "Pi Day"

Pi Pie by Charlie Irons
pen and ink on paper
So, someone birthed the most ridiculous Internet meme; March 14th and "pi day". I kid you not...

So, today's Sketch Daily assignment was; "Today is Pi Day! Draw us a circular object, or a pie if you're feeling hungry." Being a lover of numbers, and pie, I decided on the only logical solution; a pie made of pi.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I am really, really hungry...

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sketch Daily: March 13th - "Do the Dali"

Breaching Surreal City by Charlie Irons
pen and ink on paper
Today's assignment was to do something in the style of surrealism.
Okay, so I'm no fan of melting clocks...

Pushing my buttons...

I think it's safe to say that I love designing logos... especially my own. And this bad boy is no exception.

As I've begun doing character buttons for Galactic Gun, and began to ponder the 2013 Intergalactic Pub Crawl Team button - Yes, I think of them this early - it struck me that there isn't a button just for NTA Comics proper.

Until now, that is.

Well, actually, next month; providing we don't have another derailment, or blow a boiler. So, barring any unforseen mishap along the tracks, there should be an entire set available starting mid to end of April.

I know I'm excited...

Monday, March 12, 2012

Sketch daily for March 12th: "Nope"

Nope, Don't Wanna by Charlie Irons
pen and ink on paper
Today's assignment: sketch something absolutely frightening or disgusting that you don’t ever want to deal with or experience.

With my 38th birthday in seven days this is the big fear on my mind, right now. Like the song says; "Hope I die before I get old..."

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Listen to This! The Escape Club

Generally, when I do a installment of Listen to This, I'll cover a single release from a band. And, usually, it's something not quite on the beaten track. But, today, I'm going to break, a little, with tradition, and cover one of the unsung musical heroes of the eighties, and their newest release, some twenty years later.

The Escape Club had its humble beginnings in 1982 out of the wreckage of two smaller bands; The Expressos (Johnnie Christo - bassist, Milan Zekavica - drums) and Mad Shadows (Trevor Steel - singer/guitar, John Holiday - guitar). A year later they had their first gig as an opening act. Within a couple short years they had built a following and released their first single, Breathing, from Bright Records.

After a gig on TV landed them a deal with EMI, the band released their first album, White Fields, in 1986; as well as a tour opening for China Crisis and The Alarm.

Modern visuals added by "80's Now Again"

Not a commercial success, then EMI CEO David Munn gave the boys one more shot; letting them return to the studio for one more try. In 1988, with the threat of make-a-hit-or-else over their heads, the boys jammed out Wild Wild West, and didn't disappoint...

Wild Wild West was a bit of a departure for the band; trying to break away from the U2 trap befalling a lot of British bands of the time. (Ironic, considering the rip off scandal that heralded U2's departure from the music scene.) Opting, instead, for a dance rock hybrid, they unleashed this hit single into the American musical market to a huge success. Ironically, though, the band would also become slightly notorious with this same track, as it would be banned in England; deemed too misogynistic for air play. This would earn them the odd footnote of the only UK band to chart #1 in America, but not in the UK.

Though the single, and title track, gained them notoriety and fame in the states, it's important to point out that the album is packed full of great tracks, like Walking through Walls and Shake for the Sheik.

In 1991, now on Atlantic Records, The Escape Club dropped Dollars and Sex out with its opening single, Call It Poison; a stinging tease on the hair band scene. However, with the shift in music away from guitar driven rock, it was the track I'll be There - written in tribute to the passing of a friend's wife - that ended up charting, giving the band one more hit.

In 1992, with their Atlantic contract up, financial issues knocking at the door, and the changing landscape of radio music, the band drifted; eventually breaking up. The four members went off in their own directions to pursue other projects.

It would be another twenty years before Trevor and John would reunite to put together Celebrity. "It's written for our generation but isn't a 'Dad Rock' album", the band says of their latest offering. "We've managed to keep ourselves fit in a musical sense by producing and writing for other artists."

Listening to the title track, Celebrity, I think the boys are back, and right on target...

Visit my Escape Club preview post for more videos!

One of the things I have enjoyed most about the band, over the years, has been their unique musical stylings mixed with their often thought provoking commentary - and sometimes parody - of the world going on around them. From the afore linked videos, mentioned above, to the lesser known hits - Like Goodbye Joey Rae (WWW), or Where Angles Cry (WF), the band has managed to blend together words and sounds that give their style a very worldly, approachable feel; something that has earned them a place in my personal all time top ten.

Celebrity, released by Whipped Cream Records, is available, now, at finer music retailers and online.
Proud to sport the entire discography in my collection!

When worlds collide...

I don't usually make it a habit to watch porn, or Family Guy.
However, for this, I could make an exception...

I'm good, though, that Stewie and Brian are oddly absent.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Sketch Daily March 9th: Bunnies!

BUN-ney! by Charlie Irons
pen and ink with Photoshop

Today's assignment was a free draw Friday; showing off anything you're working on. Since I'm working on remastering the old pages from the last Galactic Gun story, over at Neverland Transit Authority, I opted for the alternative challenge; bunnies.

I know, I know; Easter is still a ways off. Doesn't quite feel like it, though; with stores already gearing up for it.

Kind of a break from the idea of "sketching", I know; using Photoshop, and all. I'm not the only one who, from time to time, does this as a "sketch". Just this one kind of felt like it called for it...

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Sexual suffrage...

Today is International Women's Day...

Like so many tongue in cheek kind of guys, I was quick, in my mind, anyway, to attempt a snarky come back about suffering with women, or cross continental penis afternoon, or something.

But I won't. Why? Well, for one thing, women have only had the right to vote, in America, for LESS THAN 100 YEARS, to start with.

Other unfortunate truths? Women still earn less doing the same job a man does in some fields. Media still glorifies the attention whore starlet over ideas of strong, intelligent, and capable women. Women still get taken advantage of at places like auto mechanics, and with some service contractors.

It's uncomfortable to think about, being a member of the great tripod oppressors, but the rights of women aren't really that old, here in the United States. (Less so for minorities - another subject all together.) And, in other countries, just mentioning women's rights can get you jailed... or worse.

And I really find that odd; seeing as how most of corporate administration is run by women. It's, usually, the woman that runs the household. And women make up the majority of teachers in our public school systems. Women can also govern quite well, we're seeing; filling roles in health, domestic and world affairs, serving in law enforcement, and civil services. And, in other countries, have even been head of state.

Some of the most talented, intelligent, and most persevering friends I have are women. My best friend is a woman; health administrator for one of the country's largest universities, and a near literary expert. (She also commands one of the largest personal storehouses of useless trivia, ever.)

The point is, that even though we feel so accomplished in our little world, the fact is we still have a long, long way to go in regards to establishing, and protecting, the rights of citizens, and our fellow human beings.

The mysteries of womanhood may be lost to me, but the need to defend... no, fight for the rights of my fellow citizen aren't. Tonight I raise my cup to the women in my life, and in my world; because, guys, let's face it, we wouldn't be here without any of them.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Derek Sivers is a musician, former professional clown, and creator of CD Baby, one of the most successful independent music retailer online. (I should know, I'm a customer.); which he recently sold, donating his proceeds to music charity.

Currently I am, myself, experimenting with failure, both personally, and at Neverland Transit Authority, in the hopes of making a better life, and a grander experience in my art, and my comics. I'm finding my experience helpful. Which means, what; I'm good at failing?

The dangers of superhero voice acting...

Kirby help us all!

Sketch Daily March 7th: Happy Sprites... or Spirits?

Today's assignment came with the heading "Happy Sprites", but inside the write up said "spirits". So, why not a sprite made happy on spirits?

Spirited Sprite by Charlie Irons
pen and ink on paper

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Sketch Daily March 6th: "Scary Monster"

So, the biggest disappointment for me, artistically speaking, has been that, since getting going on Neverland Transit Authority's Galactic Gun: The Adventures of Justin Bailey, I do very little, if any, free doddle time. Basically, when sitting in front of a blank page, I can't come up with a single thing to draw that isn't something to do with my comics. I hate that.

Reddit to the rescue!

More specifically, Reddit's Sketch Daily sub Reddit; where a moderator dolls out a different sketch assignment each day.

Today, March 6th, was my first day. The assignment was a scary monster. How'd I do?

Scary Monster by Charlie Irons
pen and ink on paper
 I'm going to try and keep up with the daily assignments, to keep my creative juices flowing, and, hopefully, get my mind going into directions it usually doesn't, or has stopped going to, all together.

Then, I'll post them up here at The Conductor's Office for everyone to check out; along with any little blurbs that might come to mind about said picture.

Who knows; this may be the birthplace of new characters, or even whole stories.

Monday, March 5, 2012

On comics and the new digital millenium...

Welcome to what goes on in my head all the time...
without, of course, the really cool visual presentation.

If you're getting into what Scott says, visit his website
for more into the realm of comics and comics expression.
Don't forget to check out his three books
on the subject, too!

A fact, a thought, a reality...

Something to consider, in the grand scheme of things.

I know it's been quite here, at my office. Neverland Transit Authority
recently relocated, and things should be back to business as usual, this week.