Thursday, March 8, 2012

Sexual suffrage...

Today is International Women's Day...

Like so many tongue in cheek kind of guys, I was quick, in my mind, anyway, to attempt a snarky come back about suffering with women, or cross continental penis afternoon, or something.

But I won't. Why? Well, for one thing, women have only had the right to vote, in America, for LESS THAN 100 YEARS, to start with.

Other unfortunate truths? Women still earn less doing the same job a man does in some fields. Media still glorifies the attention whore starlet over ideas of strong, intelligent, and capable women. Women still get taken advantage of at places like auto mechanics, and with some service contractors.

It's uncomfortable to think about, being a member of the great tripod oppressors, but the rights of women aren't really that old, here in the United States. (Less so for minorities - another subject all together.) And, in other countries, just mentioning women's rights can get you jailed... or worse.

And I really find that odd; seeing as how most of corporate administration is run by women. It's, usually, the woman that runs the household. And women make up the majority of teachers in our public school systems. Women can also govern quite well, we're seeing; filling roles in health, domestic and world affairs, serving in law enforcement, and civil services. And, in other countries, have even been head of state.

Some of the most talented, intelligent, and most persevering friends I have are women. My best friend is a woman; health administrator for one of the country's largest universities, and a near literary expert. (She also commands one of the largest personal storehouses of useless trivia, ever.)

The point is, that even though we feel so accomplished in our little world, the fact is we still have a long, long way to go in regards to establishing, and protecting, the rights of citizens, and our fellow human beings.

The mysteries of womanhood may be lost to me, but the need to defend... no, fight for the rights of my fellow citizen aren't. Tonight I raise my cup to the women in my life, and in my world; because, guys, let's face it, we wouldn't be here without any of them.

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