Friday, March 23, 2012

From the Conductor: What's happening at the Office and Station?

Art by Damion Mosier-Tidd
I know it's been spotty to quiet here, lately; things over at Grand Central have been very busy. (More on that, later.)

Of course, I wouldn't be musch of a Conductor if I weren't taking a little time to announc the coming and goings of Neverland Transit Authority.

So, if you haven't, already, take a jump over to the station. Right now we're capping off a three week run of guest art pages by Damion Mosier-Tidd, part of the 12 page short, Bookmarks, wirtten and inked by your illustrious Conductor, and colored by the talented Badger McInnes.

Also, things have been happening in the little world of Charlie Irons, so don't forget to get caught up with Stuff, too.

Once things settle, here, you can expect to find the usual level of entertainment you've come to expect from my office, and the crew of Neverland Transit Authority. And don't forget, you can follow my daily ramblings on my Twitter.

Thanks, again, for your ridership and patronage.

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