Saturday, May 12, 2012

Just skating by on this project...

Happy Little Skatebaord
by Charlie Irons

Well, well, well...

The second of two Adobe Illustrator projects due this week at school.

For my Studio class, we were given of template for a skateboard deck and were supposed to create a design. This was part of the "emphasis" lesson that really had very little to actually do with emphasis.

But, hey, what am I to do, right? So, here is a simple, yet smile provoking deck, in all it's green grinning greatness...

It may look simple. And, in fact, had I had the option to creat this in, say, Photoshop, it would have been. But, what you're looking at is a week of frustration come to fruition by learning to use Illustrator more like Photoshop; time consuming, messy, and roundabout as it was.

You'll see me say this alot, here; Illustrator is a horrible program. Oh, I'll learn it, because I have to. But, let me tell you, every chance I can find to avoid it, I'll probably take.

But, truth be told, this was - minus Illustrator - a fun project. I may goof around with the template and make a few more... Providing I can find something other than Illustrator to do it in.

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