Thursday, May 24, 2012

A post from the Nowhere...

So, as you can see - or not see, since there's been nothing new to see, for a while - I've been a bit busy, here at Neverland Transit Authority's Grand Central, to keep up with postings at My Office. Something I seek to rectify in the coming days.

But, what, you may ask, have I been busy with? School...

This little marvel is my first full outing using Adobe Illustrator; the dreadful craptastic program that's the standard in Graphic Design, these days. (Care to ask how I feel about it?)

The assignment was to create a self portrait illustration based off a photo of yourself. So, tell me; how'd I do?

Eh... it's my first Illustrator piece, and that's an old picture, anyway. Meanwhile, in my typography class, we're playing around with letters as design. A lot of my fellow classmates went for regal stuff. Me? I ended up a little off the beaten path...

Taking an upper case "C" in the font "Micro Stencil", I spun a set of four at 90 degree breaks, grouped them, then repeated the grouping down a diagonal path. Then, I repeated the path across the page.

The result, here, is a chain like pattern. Initially I was playing off the stencil breaks to create a path like design. Of course, that's before I noticed that the "C" isn't, exactly, symmetrical.

Oh well, at least I'm happy with the result; which looks a little 1970's style decor texture. (Seriously, I think my mom had a purse with this design in a gold pattern relief.)

In the next couple of days I'll have a slew of posts, including a review of the latest comic news, music reviews, and some other random art. Hopefully, by next quarter, things will have settled down enough where I can get back to doing these things more regularly.


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