Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Hatching a style...

Started getting a little Artsy Fartsy the other day, while doing some devlopment work for some up coming ideas; started revisiting the old, old, old indie style of cross hatching to develop tones and values. A trick that goes back to the old day of paper pulp black and whites; my roots.
Fem Spectre by Charlie Irons
pen and ink on paper
Siren Afloat by Charlie Irons
pena and ink on paper

Of course, these were a bit of a flukish warm up, as I work toward developing a pseudo-retro-throwback look for next year's new comic...

The Night Watchman by Charlie Irons
pen and ink on paper

Still working out the whole feel of the story, but, needless to say, I'm about to venture back into the surreal world of the super hero. Kirby help us all...

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