Monday, February 9, 2009

From the Conductor's Office: Getting all rosey about color...

Even though it's a lot of trouble, as well as time consuming, I've always wanted Galactic Gun in color; though a lot of indies and first timers run with good old black and white.

What can I say? I like to go big. Besides, I really feel the world I'm going to take you to needs to be in color. However, I really suck and using the computer to color. So, what's a guy to do? Well, experiment, of course.

Here we have a quick pin up of Kali. Oh my, it would seem that gravity has been shut off while in orbit. I've always loved the look of illustration and paint markers. This pic I used TomBo markers from Japan. As you can see, I'm still trying to get the hang of them. I figure with a lot of practice, I can probably use these to color the book, down the line.

Oh look, Justin is in the lounge of the #7, trying to have a quiet drink. Too bad Kali feels a little playful. For this pic I switched to something I know a little more about; watercolor.

I've love water colored comics, though the medium can be, at times, unforgiving. Here I'm cheating just a little; I'm using watercolor pencils from Kimberly. They apply like color pencils, and can be layered and blended like them. But you can then take a wet brush and do a wash on them.

I really like the effect. However, as you can see I still have a bunch to learn about how to use them to get the maximum effect. Also, the set I have isn't the best quality, and has a very
limited pallet. Unless you really believe Justin is actually that yellow, naturally.

Here we have page one of the first story arch of the Galactic Gun, called "Pocket Full of Posies." I colored this using Design pencils by Spectracolor. Then, using Photoshop, I dropped black into the gutters and used a blur tool to create the focus effect in panel 2.

Okay, so I'm obviously not so good with Photoshop yet; as shown by my horrible use of the blur tool. And, as of yet, I can't add word balloons into the comic. I am, though, learning how to do this stuff. I'm also not happy with the way the Design pencils have been working out; though I've had the set since college, and they cost me a pretty penny.

In my art bag I carry a small Prsimacolor set, that I use to color stuff I do in my sketch book. I really like the way the work. And, Prsimacolor carries watercolor pencils... costly pencils, but great working quality. So, once I can afford to drop the cash for them, I'll be getting me a good set with a large pallet.

Of interesting note, some will observe that how our characters appear in page one is radically different from how they appear in my sketch book. And, in fact, over the course of the first issue, the look of the comic evolves to what you saw in my earlier sketch post. I had, at one point, thought of pulling a Lucas, and going back and reworking the first issue; but probably only when the book goes to print. And, even then, only if I can find the time. For now, the first chapter will have to remain odd out with the rest of the story.

Of course, now you can witness my ascension to comic godhood...

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