Friday, February 27, 2009

From the Conductor's Office: Very entitling!

Just for fun, and because I'm finally getting the hang of Photoshop, I thought I'd let you all have a look at the cover for the first story arch for the Galactic Gun.

This is actually a fairly old piece of art, hence all the visible pencil strokes, and not the now familiar use of watercolor; as well as the look of a couple of the characters. I may try to redo it, but given that there's now just under three weeks left, it may have to ride for now, and be redone for when, and if, it goes to print.

And over here, on the right, is a rough work up on the NTA logo. I was going for something that would like you'd see on a transit worker's jacket, or a pin of some kind. The fact that it looks like the forward silhouette of a streamline bullet train was, believe it or not, coincidental; but never the less very cool.

Twenty days left unitl I start this bad boy back up. Getting less barfy and more and more excited, now. In fact, I'm off to Wondercon this weekend, just to have some fun and, hopefully, stoke the fire of creativity I got going.

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