Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Fiery little blond...

Just a little something I dug out of the old character vault.
Prismacolor pencils against a Photoshop effect background.

Let live the Legacy!

It has begun!

IronChuck says: LISTEN TO THIS!

G3rst gives us the anthem of a new century and generation.

Gotta catch it all!

This is why I will never miss a Comic-Con again... ever!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Work... not in progress...

I've been hearing a lot about this miraculous rebound of the economy, lately. But I have to tell you, *I* have yet to actually experience it. In fact, I've been out of "normal" work for enough time that I've had to close Neverland Transit Authority's Grand Central Terminal location, and move the whole operation to a smaller location in the south bay area.

It's going to be tough, for a while, but I'm working on keeping the comic going. With a number of sacrifices NTA and its first comic, the Galactic Gun, will keep chugging along; bringing you the quality entertainment and challenging themes you're coming to expect. Yeah, there may be a little lag here and there, both here and on the NTA site. So, let me say now that I'm sorry; and I promise to make it up to you.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Time poll: Who, post Cronkite, is the most trusted news man in America?

Obvious answer is... well, obvious.
But, what does this say
about news and America?

I also can't help but notice
a few noteworthy absences
from the list.

Up for some light reading?

How about Pride and Prejudice... and Zombies?

Monday, July 20, 2009

One small step for a man...

So, with not much fanfare, today marks the fortieth anniversary of, arguably, the greatest moment in human history.

On this day in 1969 Armstrong and Aldrin where the first men on the moon.

If you're familiar with the history of the original space race, then you know what it took to get there in just eight short years. If you're not, I suggest you read up on it. It is an epic tale.

There's so much that can be said about this historic moment; human triumph, tragedy, and the awe inspiring tale of human ingenuity, and all that. And, yes, I could lament the sad condition of today's space age... or lack there of.

But today I think I will put aside all my trivial problems and concerns for a few minutes and really reflect on the significance of that moment. How, only a few decades after figuring out how to glide on air, we punched through our atmosphere and stepped foot on another terrain.

Today I salute the men and women who took us there, and opened the door to a whole new, and very large, world. We may not have chosen to walk through it, but thanks for showing us the door!

First Look! Cover for next Galactic Gun!

Ta da!

In case you thought "Pocket Full of Posies" was just a one time lark for this comic book hack, I give you the cover to the second adventure of the crew of The no.7.

Not only is this a great way to fulfill that promise in the last sketching post about showing off the new look of the characters, but also to highlight my new skill set in "painting" via Photoshop. (For an old school doodler like myself, this is quite an accomplishment, let me tell you.)

In fact, this little beauty also highlights one of the new Galactic Gun logos I'm trying out, as well as a new polished NTA logo, too.

Wow... that's like four reveals in one. Check me out!

Anyway, what this means for you, my dear reader, is that starting next story arch there will be a higher finished quality to the pages; the more professional look I've been striving for.

Now, I wonder; do you see the inside joke? Like all my stories, there's a sight gag - a visual reference - about something sci-fi related.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


No, this is not my work, but it's so good I had to share!

This little ditty was brought to you by
I don't know about you but I could sure go
for a value menu item right about now.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Order in the Court!

I love a good mash up. Really, I do. And I love when unexpected things get mashed together, too.

Take, for instance, The blending of a classic sketch from The Frantics, and add sprites from Capcom's Phoenix Wright game... which is about layers.

Yeah, I don't get it, either.

Anyway, what do you get? Magic...

Monday, July 13, 2009

Monday, July 6, 2009

NASA has put together an interesting sound file
of radio transmissions from Saturn
that the Cassini probe has been picking up since 2002.

described as Carl Sagan meets Madonna (Well, she is a brainy and hot science nerd!)

First Look!

As mentioned in the afore posted Sketchings entry, I've been working on refining the look of the Galactic Gun. Well, it looks like I've finally managed to blend my old college day roots in the animation lab with the refinement of my [giggle] maturity.

So, I am proud to give you a first glimpse of Kali, as she'll be illustrated from this point on. (Which will be after page five of chapter four of the current run; as it loops into the production schedule.)

Give me a few days and I should have new look premieres for all the characters...

So, when's this "cartoonist" gonna get sketchy, again?

Right now, actually. We've been doing some recent renovations at Grand Central, and naturally nothing's been going according to plan. Anyone who's been reading the comic will, no doubt, notice the lag in posts, lately.

However, it looks like we've finally managed to get it all up and running; or, at least, gotten a solid work around. So, not only will we be back to regular updates on Galactic Gun, but I can show off my new sketchbook!

So, it's no secret that the current art on the Galactic Gun is a) old, and b) sucky. Yes, I admit that it's not the best I could have done, but then I did quit art for some five years for stage work. Anyway, I've been playing around with new looks and the first one I thought of was my old college animation days.

No, this is so not going to be the way I'm going to start drawing the comic. Honest.

Ah, goths. I love them. Since I am one, it makes sense, no? And I have to admit, there are few beauties that teal my eye like a gothic beauty. Too bad I'm not good at drawing them, though, huh? Also of note is a thumbnail sketch inspired by VNV Nation's "Airships", an idea for my business card (Which I need to hurry up and get made!), and a couple of more comic things; including a rough for the Intergalactic Pub Crawl Team badge - which will be the name of the GG fan club... if I ever get that far, that is.

I never use my sketchbook at the office. Some how, I figure, if I'm in the conductor's office, I should be working on pages, or pin-ups, or scripts. I know, it's a weird hang up, but what are you gonna do, right? So, I like to pack up a small art bag and take a drive. Usually I end up at one of a couple coffee shops that are no where near my studio. That's where I draw.
Usually I just got for random things that just pop into my head. Here we have Krule, a quick sketch of the banana cake and hot cider I was snacking on, two characters from the still developing "Signal to Noise" and a little pot with candle that led to a nekkid pagan chick.

Don't ask.

Anyway, one of my favorite exercises is to do thumbnails based off of songs. As it comes up in the headphones, I give myself the length of the song to work up as much as I can. When the song ends, I stop; and begin with the next song. Good for the old lay out muscles, you could say.

So, starting in the left hand corner is a tomb scene for a later story inspired by an exotic little tune from the soudtrack "Passion" by Peter Gabriel. Next to it, on the right, is "Kingdom of Rust", by the Doves. Under that, starting on the left, is "American Money", by Yoko Kanno and The Seatbelts. next to that is yours truly laying in the grass, based off of VNV's "Endless Sky". To my lower left is "Silver City Sunset" by The Lost Patrol. And to my right is "Standing on the Edge of the World" by Operetica.