Monday, July 20, 2009

One small step for a man...

So, with not much fanfare, today marks the fortieth anniversary of, arguably, the greatest moment in human history.

On this day in 1969 Armstrong and Aldrin where the first men on the moon.

If you're familiar with the history of the original space race, then you know what it took to get there in just eight short years. If you're not, I suggest you read up on it. It is an epic tale.

There's so much that can be said about this historic moment; human triumph, tragedy, and the awe inspiring tale of human ingenuity, and all that. And, yes, I could lament the sad condition of today's space age... or lack there of.

But today I think I will put aside all my trivial problems and concerns for a few minutes and really reflect on the significance of that moment. How, only a few decades after figuring out how to glide on air, we punched through our atmosphere and stepped foot on another terrain.

Today I salute the men and women who took us there, and opened the door to a whole new, and very large, world. We may not have chosen to walk through it, but thanks for showing us the door!

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