Sunday, July 31, 2011

READ THIS! Empowered volume 1 by Adam Warren

Elissa has a problem. Well, she thinks she has many; weak willed, misproportioned, etc. But, chief among her problems is that she's a associate member of The Super Homeys. Ellisa is a super hero. And not a very good one.

Plagued with personal image issues, unreliable super powers granted by a flimsy, and extremely revealing, super suit, and her perpetual defeat - and subsequent capture, Elissa - better known as "Empowered" - is definitely not what you'd call a successful superhero; unless, by success, you mean continuously getting caught and tied up in provocative ways.

Adam Warren by Adam Warren
Empowered is written and penciled by American Comic Artist Adam Warren; best known for his English Language rendition of The Dirty Pair, and guest spots on hits like Gen 13. Here he takes an unlikely source, and creates the epic tale of a tragically challenged super hero.

You see, as he tells it, Empowered started as a commision piece for a client with... unique tastes. From there he ran with it; creating little blurps in the life of an up and coming, while still managing to spoof the super hero world. (In a very meta moment, Empowered lamintes to the reader about being in a manga style comic that most super hero readers don't like because it's manga, and that most manga readers don't like super heroes.)

I hate when that happens!
Volume one is presented as a series of shorts, usually starting with Empowered captured and helplessly bound. We also get to see her at home, in civllian cover, and in love with a very unconventional boyfriend (and close friends) for a super hero. Each story is done in "layout"; penciled with no inks or screening. But, with Warren's clean style, this give, in my opinion, a much better feeling to the over all narrative.

Ding-dong! It ain't Avon callin'.

When I first picked up the book, I admit I had my doubts. A quick glance will leave you the impression it's just a big manga fanboy tease service. However, once I get into the chracters, what makes them tick, and the dynamics of the cast, I was utterly hooked. For a fetish piece, the actual work is pretty solid. I found myself caring about Empowered, rooting for her successes (She does have a few.), and sympathising with her failures. (Not that I could relate. But, well, you get the idea.)

Empowered volume 1, b&w 247 pages, is available as a "graphic novel" by Dark Horse Comics for $14.95 at finer comic retailers. It does boast a Parental Advisory for explicit and suggestive content.

Ahead, Warp Factor Zing!

One of the greatest tenants lorded over the rest of science fiction
is how tight the consistency of the Star Trek universe is.

Oh, really...?

Okay, I'll give you one or two back, but still...

Friday, July 29, 2011

Daily character sketch: Brewmeister

I love beer.

Okay, not much of a revelation, I know. But, it's true; I love beer. And, as a companion, I love whiskey, too. In fact, I love them as much as I love trains. (My love of comics is, natural, unsurpassed.)

Often I have thought, if I couldn't make comics, anymore - and being too past my prime to get a railroad job - I'd go get me a job in a brewery, or distillery. What a heaven of a job that would be!

Today's character sketch is in honor of the great and noble tradition of brew crafting. I think I'll raise me a pint to my favorite fall back position.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

"It's like something out of, I don't know; Science Fiction."

When I was a kid, I wanted to drive around in a small van across America; where I would live, work on comics, and just drive around all the time. I never really considered how I'd get my mail, bills, and send off my work back then - remember this was the pre Internet age, just that some day I could do it. And it would be perfect...

What the...?! Four Square not available in the Himalayas?
Wait till I Facebook this!
It's now 2011, thirty years later, as I write this entry. I have a computer in my pocket that takes pictures, can send them in an instant anywhere, access my bank accounts, pays my bills, plays... Well, you get the idea.

Leaps and bounds in the field of data storage and computational speed have perched us on the edge of true mobility. Volumes of books can be contained on a single "reader", now. Hours... no, DAYS of music can be contained in a match box sized device. We can access libraries worth of information in seconds. And we can communicate across the globe, in real time, almost instantly. And though my car still can't fly... yet... we have on board navigational systems that can steer you to damn near any place on Earth.

This keeps up, I won't have much Scifi left to write about...

Holy Historical Double Takes, Batman!

Because who wants a "Papa Spank", anyway?
 What the Hell?!

Yes, dear readers, this is Gotham's beloved millionaire play boy by day, frightener costumed vigilante by night Batman caught in, what we might consider, a very un-Batman like situation. So, what's going on?

In a story from the many tales in Batman #1, our future Dark Knight confronts, for the first time, the crook soon to be known as "The Catwoman". Cornered by the Dynamic Duo on a cruise ship after stealing a valuable necklace, Batman robs her of her disguise. And, during that, this bit of dialog happens.

But, even more to the point, this is 1940 in action. In all of its chauvinistic and off colored glorious self.

It would be another forty plus years - the mid eighties - before the likes of O'Neil, Miller, and others would twist up and really forge the brooding near anti hero we've come to know as The Batman, today.

So, why dig up this little tidbit of one-off Batman history? Well, mostly for the laugh. But, it's also to illustrate a point about how our view of today can remold our understanding of the past. After all, the ending of this story also has "The Cat", as she was known in this, her first story, getting away with, perhaps, Batman's help.

Now that's very un-Batman like, right?

Daily character sketch: The Lamia

Rael, welcome, we are The Lamia of the pool...
In the surreal and euphoric rock opera The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway by the, then, epic progressive rock band Genesis, Rael Imperial has slipped the Supernatural Anaesthetist, led there by the blind Lillywhite Lilith; who helped him escape the Chamber of Thirty-Two Doors...

Yeah, it's like that the whole album.

Anyway, he comes to a calm pool in a cavern guarded by "three vermillion snakes of female face" known as The Lamia.

Laying in wait, they seduce any traveler, and, in the throws of passion, eat of him; leaving him in a uniquely disquieted state. Then they die and the cavern goes dark until the next traveler comes by, and it starts all over again.

Performing The Lamia, here, is the Genesis tribute band, Garden Wall; during their 2007 tour of the rock opera:

Eh... I just thought half snake women would be hot.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Daily character sketch: The Darkling Lord.

And behold, stepping from the smolder and the smoke, strode the form of our Lord. Cloaked in robes of night, cast upon the darkest of armor that, though should have swallowed all light, glinted the sun; it's casting like white hot needles to my eyes. From under his shadowy helm I could just see a face of nightmares, creased as it was, from power, or age, or both. His pallor like storm clouds, his jaw - ghoulishly long, dressed in hair like the muzzle of a beast. A ragged main of silver gray bramble escaped from his dome, casting itself about his shoulders. 

Clutching a twisted staff adorned with a stone the liquidity of milk, he stepped heavily toward our Master. As he drew close, it was as if his every step chased the evening heat from the ground. His eyes, more empty than the deepest abyss, never left his gaze upon our Master.

"ORIN," he spoke, his voice like a tremor that tore fissures in the sky. At the hearing of him call to our Master, my knees gave, and I fell, prostrate, to the ground. If not for the sheer joy of the Destroyer turned flesh before me I confess I would have but soiled myself. About me I could see the Master's house did not share the fortitude of my heart's joy. And, lifting my head, did I so dare my eyes to bare witness, for I saw not once did our Master as much come to stumble, lest relent, but merely with a smile did so listen.

"BEFORE YOU IS DRIVEN THE HEART OF THIS EMPIRE, AS SO I ASKED. I HAVE HEARD THE CRIES AND ANGUISH OF ITS PEOPLE, AND IT PLEASEs ME. THIS DAY DO I CAST UPON YOU MY FAVOR." And with that, his grotesque hand drew from an unseen place under his long cloak, a terrible blade. Before him, at the feet of the Master, he plunged it into the soil, and for not did I hear the very land weep. "TAKE ALOFT THIS SWORD, FORGED OF THE VERY HEART OF MINE. DRAW IT FORTH UNTO EVERY FOLLY THAT SHOULD CHALLENGE YOU UPON THE FIELDS, AND KNOW YOU NEVER THE TASTE OF DEFEAT."

As the Master gripped firm the hilt, taking of the blade upon him, all we gathered there could feel the very holds of heaven sobbing at the rot to be brought them at the Master's hands. I wept in the sheer joy that overcame my heart...

From the uncompleted manuscripts of Arkhem Sylum
"The Holy Crusade of Orin T'pak"
Scroll 3 block7

Monday, July 25, 2011

Daily character sketch: Justin Bailey

In an effort to keep fresh my pen, the characters, and my comics fresh, I'm going to, starting today, borrow a page from all the other artists, 'toonists, and doodlers. So, here goes a new feature, here at The Conductor's Office; the daily character sketch - including some bit of whatever that crosses my mind about what I've drawn.

And who better to start with than the star of Neverland Transit Authority's Galactic Gun, our old pal Justin Bailey.

In the process of first building the worlds that would become the universe of The Galactic Gun, some twenty five years ago, I've explored a lot of cliches, archetypes, myths, and genres. Rough versions of the tales that would come forth originally starred a completely different character; who would spend time with a gruff, dusty old bounty hunter whose edge had been dulled by a spent life.

But as I wrote up the first stories, the back story character began to take a life of his own. And, eventually, he would take center stage; swapping places with the original main character who, later, would return in another role.

Having established himself, this new character would need a revamp; starting with a name. Taking from the source material that bore him, I went with the obvious; Justin Bailey. Other things would follow, as I played with fleshing him out.

Justin's been older, brooding, a gun slinging bad ass, a bounty hunter, and almost every imaginably re-hacked cliche possible until I found the real character under all that fanboy dressing, and really listened to what he had to say.

He's an interesting fellow with a very busy history and frenetic future. Judge him by what you see and he's guaranteed to surprise you...

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Down a Dark Path?

For the past few days, I've been vexed...

I know, I know; who really uses that word, anymore? But, still it seems the most appropriate word. Because, in fact, I have been horribly vexed by an argument that I allowed myself to be goaded into by my one off fundamentalist supervisor at work; in which, we spent four hours, while I was stuck at the front desk covering for our admin, going round in circles arguing the point of his belief, and how it was true... and that was that.

How, you might ask, did I manage to let myself get duped into such a folly? By, what seemed like such an innocent question, I suppose. He was curious how I could respect my grandfather, yet so completely disagree with his choice to leave science for the family business of faith.

From there it was easy for him to expose my personal assumptions and go after them. And, as typical for the religiously devout, he did so with the typical miss informed, under educated, half baked talking points that get regurgitated by all like him. My attempting to fill in the gaps of his arguments only made him cling harder to his flawed points; which ultimately did lead to the break down of his position; not only including his flip flopping on definitions and levels of veracity of his beloved scriptures, but to also reinforce the weakness of his personal character – for which I had, just recently, tried to protect him against when management approached me with the intent to possibly terminate him.

But all of that is pretty much water under the bridge. I stood my own ,and, I feel, came out on top, in that one. No, what has been really vexing me these past couple of days has been, truly, for the first time, coming face to face with the kind of creationist half assed back talk that, until recently, I've only seen second hand via sites like Youtube. Last Friday I actually met one of the biggest plagues on, not only America, but on mankind itself.

Keep looking,
you'll find bliss in there, somewhere.

Or, more to the point, the celebration of, and willful participation in, ignorance. At the heart of much of the impasse in our culture today is the total lack of understanding of facts, language, and spheres of existence outside our own comfortable settings. In America, my home country, this is practically a way of life. After all, this is the country that challenged an empire, built a new form of government, and then poured out, onto the world, it's own brand of innovation and prosperity. It's only natural, I suppose, that we've developed an arrogant attitude of superiority; as if our way is the best, and only, way to get things done.

This is playing itself out horribly on the world stage, as it's finally catching up to the United States. And, as we are ignorant of the impact of our own actions, continue down a dark path; unable, or refusing, to see that we are, in fact, fulfilling the tactics of our “enemy” - to be spread thin through multiple engagements as we spend our country to the ground. (If you think that's bad, Osama bin Laden even announced his strategy to the world, early on in our “war on terror”. And yet, ere we still are...)

At home, the practice of ignorance has led us, as a nation, to turn on each other, as conservative forces work to erode the more progressive direction our country began to take, on its own, at the closing of the last decade, and whittle away our rights, turning thr clock back on America some nearly 75 years. Fostering an atmosphere of ignorance, they have changed public opinion in frightening ways; rewriting history to demonize once valued heroes, as well as undermine the very safe guards and protections afforded us by The Constitution of the United States. In many cases, trying very hard to establish a theocracy where none was ever intended.

From sky rocketing child pregnancy in states like Texas – who implemented a religiously founded sex ed class based off of falsehoods and fear, to Utah – whose Mormon political powerhouse spent $25 million to insure California would legalize discrimination with Prop 8, to the over all declining test score of our youth – ranking us closer and closer to the bottom of the first world list each year, the Era of Ignorance is taking its toll on us all. And worse, it's spreading.

The new political tendency of the far right, in America – ignorant of various facts and education (To which I will make no claim of personal intent.), to rise up in arms and violent aggression against open discord has spread to other dangerous factions, groups, and individuals who so feel empowered to take matters into their own, under informed hands. While here in The States, kids bully and assault, and political action groups post hateful messages on websites, insighting others to violent actions, we witness despicable acts like those over the weekend in Norway; where one gunman opened fire on innocent children and a youth summer camp as a way to cut down “Fascist Jihadist”, “Marxist Liberals”, and “Muslim sympathizers” he found to be ruining his country.

It's easy to point fingers and lay blame to the left, or right. And, in fact, many have already fallen into this trap. But, for me, the real villains are pretty clear; those who would foster ignorance,and it's resulting hate, fear, and violence, as a means to any end. The end result of such an air of idiocy is harmful, if not fatal, to the progress of the nation, as well as the world.

Last week I was entrapped by, and came face to face with, the very tool – as much as he is a victim – of the new Age of Ignorance. Through him, and his like, the spirit of a nation, a people, and a species will be brought to a halt; its course ultimately reversed.

And it vexes me. How can I, as one soul, combat this, share knowledge, and end the tyranny of those so intent to undo all that we have worked so hard to achieve?

For a period of a little more than three hundred years – roughly from 700 CE to, about, 1100 CE - Baghdad, Iraq was the center of all learning in the known world. And they were on their way to unlocking all the great mysteries of the Cosmos, until on fundamentalist imam swept in with his orders of reformation. Looking to retake his country from, what he saw, were great evils (“Math is the language of Satin”, the battle cry.) Imam Hamid al-Ghazali led a violent fundimentalist take over and managed to plunge the Middle East into a Dark Age it still has yet to recover from.

Sadly, he does.

Today, despite all we've accomplished, we, too, are now standing at the edge of the precipice; our toes dangling over the edge of an abyss. Only with education and understanding can we find the path to a future for all mankind that will be to his potential, his own promise. But, as like my supervisor, we blunder along in ignorance, then that edge truly leads to the Hell he so fears; the bumbling meanderings of the ill informed and under educated making it a self fulfilling prophecy.

Saturday, July 23, 2011


Well, as you've noticed from the lack of postings this week, things have been busy over at Grand Central Station. There will definitely be more coming in the next week, but, for now, I thought I'd unveil Neverland Transit Authority's new logo.

Obviously... well, I hope it's obvious, anyway... this is a work in progress. But, the over all concept is maintained from the original design all those years ago. (Back up a little, if you don't see it.)

Things have been slow going these past few weeks, here at Grand Central. We're sliding off schedule, again, this week; which may make me look like not much of a conductor. However, we're working the boiler to get things back up to steam, soon enough.

In the meantime, I hope you've enjoyed this, and the previous, teaser. Look for updates to resume next week at Grand Central; along with new postings here at The Conductor's Office.

Norway in my heart...

A bomb, or bombs, at the capitol, and a coordinated attack on a youth camp with a total of 80 dead, and counting. A nationalist, "conservative" gunman and a government that declares retaliation with "more Democracy".

It's been a crazy world, these past few weeks. But coming from a country that strikes out against terror with terror, I pause to reflect on the small nation of Norway. And, I find my heart goes out to them in many ways.

With respect, and hopes for peace and a speedy recovery, The Conductor's Office now presents the Norwegian National Anthem...

This is presented, not as an American to a Norwegian, or as one member of a Democracy to another. But, instead, in solidarity; from one human to another, one Earthling to another. There will come a day when the fears and superstitions of the past will fall, and the dark hearted peddlers of their hate will rein no more. On that day, we, as one people, will rise against the dark and proclaim; "We were not afraid. We will never be afraid. And as one we shall endear to a bright and wondrous future."

Deep in the heart...

I think it's been noted that the office has been... less than active, as of late. Why? It's a long story. But, in a week where I've nearly given up hope for the human race, Texas, of all places, has restored a little of my faith.

Thanks, y'all. I take back some of thr things I've said about you...

To stagger where no drunk has staggered before!

"That I should be so far from my world, but always a friendly mug in my hand, then truly I am always home"
- Arlington "Hops" Yerba

Deep into the Second Space Age, man began to settle planet side where he could find habitable lands. And, while some needed a little more help than others, settle he did. In the earliest of day of the new frontier colony movement, great attention was taken to figuring out what kinds of necessities could be grown in the new alien soils. This included all kinds of vegetables, fruits, and other flora that was not either edible, or usable in fortifying the new frontier.

Many advances were made - and even founded - in off world horticulture, in regards to creating sustainable food supplies. But, it was the risky venture by on enterprising beer enthusiast that forever changed the face of deep space life. In deed, to this day, Arlington "Hops" Yerba is still highly regarded as one of the great pioneers in the foundations of space civilization.

And all because he couldn't find a bar.

Like many before him, Hops was born on Mars, and then took to the new wave of space migration with the promise of riches and great new opportunities among the stars. And, like most, he mainly found a lot of toil, danger, and death. But he managed to make a living as a transport pilot; making cargo runs along the Sagan corridor to various outposts and settlements. Always looking to unwind from the stress and danger of his work, Hops, like many, turned to in-ship stilling as a way to produce cheap spirits.

In-ship stilling, however, could be hazardous; stilling was combustible, which is not good in an enclosed, oxygen rich, environment. Not to mention highly illegal. And, since there was no trade on non essential food stuffs in the early days, the only time an early star hopper could find a cold pint is when he made his way back to Mars.

It was this fact Hops was pondering, after a run, in a bar in New Fransisco, when he decided to take a huge risk. Settling up his shipping business, he bought some brewing supplies, got himself a small parcel of land on a smaller farming colony, and - against the advice of friends, and in the face of certain failure - began the business of brewing beer.

Needless to say, with the sudden influx of cheap, easy to get booze, Hops became a wealthy man in just one cycle. His operations expanded, he set the model for future breweries and distilleries to venture out into space; bringing with them a new culture of taverns, bars, pubs, and a supporting economic social life to trade centers across the frontier.

At the one year anniversary of his passing, close friends and admires gathered to continue a tradition started by Hops, himself; to have a pint at each new bar that sprung up among the territories. And so, the Intergalactic Pub Crawl Team was formed. Traveling in small groups, or sometimes alone, they make their way across the known universe; cataloging every known watering hole and drink served there in. Though a private club, they work to continually publish, and update their findings, in hopes of sharing Hops' love of brew with all.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Fly Me to the Moon...

In contemplation of the moon landing, on this date in 1969...
The leap from a pair of haphazard brothers in a field to the moon was as if nothing, when standing next to the span of man's dawn until his first strides into the 20th century. And yet, in that one small step for man, more was covered in the age of his knowing than all of his days before. And before him the horizon of his potential; a future that, at once, would be so beautiful, and yet so terrifying.

To those who came before, and those still to follow; "thank you"!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Total Ecplise of My Posts!

And here it is, folks, my 184th post, eclipsing 2009's tally with still months of 2011 left to go. I've sort of ignored 2010 as I was dwindling off of here for Facebook; most of my friends had already moved over, and my best friend had pleaded with me to join her, there. So, maybe when I eclipse the sum total of both years, I may put up another one of these.

Wow, it's been a funtastic year, so far; personal image changes (Remember the kilt?), family tragedy, and Neverland Transit Authority is busting at the seams to grow. There've been failed romances, new 'tooning connections, and a host of random adventures; both here on the net, and out in the real world.

I feel like there should be something profound, here. You know, some sort of catching phrase, or quote, to inspire and draw strength from; illustrated out of my colored and adventurous past. But I don't have anything, really, that hasn't already been said; be true to yourself, never underestimate the value, and cost, of hard work, and be prepared to own up to your fair share of responsibility. (No bitching about how your passions eat up your free time and life. You CHOSE to follow them, after all.)

From The Condcutor's Office, as well as Grand Central Station, thank you for your patronage. We're working really hard to take things, both here, and at the station, to the next level, real soon.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Stuff: Buried Treasure

It's new comic day over at

Sketchings: A taste of character development.

Lost in Reflection ~ Charlie Irons July 2011

I really love to goof off with Photoshop. I'll grab something from the sketch book and drop it in a doll it up with some color. More than anything, it's just a great way to learn and keep my eye in shape.

Sometimes it's to work out the color schemes and design quirks of characters and sets. Going into designing stories, pages, and the very things of a story with the rough edges hammered out, ahead of time, is very, very useful

But, on occasion, it's also fun to work on characters; fleshing them out, some - if in nature of spirit, if not in physicality. As in life, a good character is shaped as much by what's happening on the inside as by what we see on the outside.

And who is our sultry beauty, Lost in Reflection? Well, I guess you'll have to keep reading the pages of Galactic Gun to find out, won't you?

Yesterday was...

Matt Mulholland makes me wonder if working for the weekend is really nothing more than the social trap of of a conformist society... while still proving that, indeed, it may have been Rebecca Black, not the song.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Stuff: Screening Calls

It's just the TARDIS on the left!

Part of me wants to facepalm. The other part
is waiting for The Master running about in fish nets
while some random companion throws toast.

More than a feeling, that's the power of puns...

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Tongue tied...

I'm thinking of picking up a second language,
maybe broaden my horizons.
Then, again? Never mind...

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Galactic Gun: Like a White Rabbit

It's new comic day over at

Posting at
The Conductor's Office
begins, again, next week.
Thanks for your patience.

Monday, July 4, 2011

My Drunk Holiday Kitchen: Fourth of July!

Because what's more 'Mericun then apple pie... and booze?
Warning: some NSFW language

Pony Polka

There seems to be a recent explosion of run away memes, lately, on Youtube. Right now the biggest cascade of these is the My Little Pony AMV; also known as the "PMV", in some cases.

Now, I'm no Brony; let me put that to rest. In fact, I'm pretty sure that, if I were to actually watch this new version, it'd ruin these PMVs for me. But, I also love a good laugh. So... yeah...

Sunday, July 3, 2011

My Little Serenity

Attention all Brony Coats. Nerd just got real...

Saturday, July 2, 2011