Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Holy Historical Double Takes, Batman!

Because who wants a "Papa Spank", anyway?
 What the Hell?!

Yes, dear readers, this is Gotham's beloved millionaire play boy by day, frightener costumed vigilante by night Batman caught in, what we might consider, a very un-Batman like situation. So, what's going on?

In a story from the many tales in Batman #1, our future Dark Knight confronts, for the first time, the crook soon to be known as "The Catwoman". Cornered by the Dynamic Duo on a cruise ship after stealing a valuable necklace, Batman robs her of her disguise. And, during that, this bit of dialog happens.

But, even more to the point, this is 1940 in action. In all of its chauvinistic and off colored glorious self.

It would be another forty plus years - the mid eighties - before the likes of O'Neil, Miller, and others would twist up and really forge the brooding near anti hero we've come to know as The Batman, today.

So, why dig up this little tidbit of one-off Batman history? Well, mostly for the laugh. But, it's also to illustrate a point about how our view of today can remold our understanding of the past. After all, the ending of this story also has "The Cat", as she was known in this, her first story, getting away with, perhaps, Batman's help.

Now that's very un-Batman like, right?

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