Monday, July 18, 2011

Total Ecplise of My Posts!

And here it is, folks, my 184th post, eclipsing 2009's tally with still months of 2011 left to go. I've sort of ignored 2010 as I was dwindling off of here for Facebook; most of my friends had already moved over, and my best friend had pleaded with me to join her, there. So, maybe when I eclipse the sum total of both years, I may put up another one of these.

Wow, it's been a funtastic year, so far; personal image changes (Remember the kilt?), family tragedy, and Neverland Transit Authority is busting at the seams to grow. There've been failed romances, new 'tooning connections, and a host of random adventures; both here on the net, and out in the real world.

I feel like there should be something profound, here. You know, some sort of catching phrase, or quote, to inspire and draw strength from; illustrated out of my colored and adventurous past. But I don't have anything, really, that hasn't already been said; be true to yourself, never underestimate the value, and cost, of hard work, and be prepared to own up to your fair share of responsibility. (No bitching about how your passions eat up your free time and life. You CHOSE to follow them, after all.)

From The Condcutor's Office, as well as Grand Central Station, thank you for your patronage. We're working really hard to take things, both here, and at the station, to the next level, real soon.

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