Monday, September 27, 2004

Sorry I'm late...

Where sporks come from.

Makes me wonder if more guys would sign up if this was the GI Jane they’d meet. Of course, it’s just an anime statue that’s a little not safe for work.

We're out of catnip?!

My summer vacation at Burning Man.

Anyone else impressed? I didn’t think so.

Not even boots of escaping can save you from Reno 911… geek!

Yep… cosplay.

Frank Miller’s Sin City… when a comic truly comes to life on the silver screen, even if it’s not quite safe for work.

Fantastic Four movie take two.

What could be more eighties then The Last Starfighter? What could be more craptacular then the musical?

Furverts and their crazy case-mods.

You in the market for a haunted house style ride?

What the hell?!

So, yet another new version of the classic Star Wars has hit the market; this time for DVD. Shall we compare the 1997 re-release to this one?

But the question remains; who’d win in a fight between the Empire and the Federation. Geeks, still, the lot of you.

Penny Arcade speaks its mind about the newer new Star Wars release.

They must be doing something right, though. Release day cleans up the house.

Thoughts of Star Wars from those who made it. Primary advice: geeks lighten up!

Excuse me for a moment… Mmmmm…

Something for you Pink Floyd fans.

Cosplay over the top.

Someone, anyone, explain this to me. Oh, those wacky Japanese.


Yuri in da’ cab… we’re gonna party like it’s his green card.

Mission imcheeseible.

Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

More of those wacky Japanese.

It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again. But be careful at work.

I’m sure the bus is impressive, at least.

Is this a rant or an auction? Today’s confusion brought to you by… you guessed it… eBay.

Appearing one night, and one night only.

I wept.

Hungry? How about a 8500-calorie sandwich? Eat that, Jared.

Just a nice piece of fantasy art. (Man, I am such a hack.)

Fun facts about the number of the beast.

Pool, anyone? Mmmm.

Nintendo discovers less is more… makes geekdom more affordable.

Whip this out at your next Magic game.

Thousands of beer bottles up for auction on… you guessed it… eBay.

50 kinds of not impressed.

Baby, sing your song for me.

Jiggly Puff, he ain’t. Cosplay it is.

Pickles. Here comes the science.

It’s cosplay, that’s all I got to say.

If you’ve read anything of quantum mechanics, or advanced physics for that matter, you know that a lot of it is pure made up bull. Proof, you say? String theory… here’s your proof.

“Shire? Dude, you’re like really lost, aren’t you?”

They’re all smiling on the Conference Bike.

Finally! What the worlds been waiting for… the all male tribute band to the material girl!

I’m nowhere near any place that even looks like being impressed.

Kids, remember that swords belong in the hands of professionals; not drunken trailer park trash.

Game Time! Galactica, a Space Invaders spoof.

Mouse after cheese take two.

Ever seen something so cute you just wanted to puke?

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