Friday, October 22, 2004

D&D turns 30! And some other funny stuff, too.

Happy 30th D&D… Geek!

Llama llama duck…

Rabbi getting’ his mad ninja skills on… Kung-Ju?

Dracula is coming… and I hope he gets here soon, ‘cause this flash sucks.

Spider web lingerie? Mmmmm…

You mean it’s this easy?

I guess we’ll soon find out if kids will eat anything with sugar in it.

There is a Cosplayer not right.

Just in case you really needed to count all the parts.

She’s fed up about something, but as long as I can watch the video, that’s just fine with me.

Happy 30th D&D… even if I don’t play you anymore… honest, I don’t.

Again, we, here at IronChuck Presents, try with all our might to stay apolitical. But this is just too funny... and geeky… to let go.

Something’s fishy about these flash drives.

Happy 30th, D&D… thanks for all the great parodies you’ve spawned.

Sushi? Mmmm…

NO! Gods, no!

Sorry kid, we’re not impressed. And go put your mom’s cooking knives away before you cut yourself. Yeash.

Happy 30th D&D… Still Geek, but kinda cool.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Just pretend this is a funny title...

Oddly enough, no cosplay this week...

How to kick ass with a walking stick.

Even if I had somethin’, it wouldn’t need it.

Wonderful Spam, lovely Spam

Popular science gives you a list of the worst jobs in science. Geek.

Dragon Slaying, today in LARPing 101. Geek.

Baa baa, Imperial black sheep.

Normally, we here at IronChuck Presents avoid just about anything political. Normally. This, though, is just a bit too funny to pass up.

And now, a word from the Scrotal Safety Commission.

I have to say this for John Sedwick; he’s consistent.


Dude, a ninja pays half my rent.

Ninja versus Pirate… I demand a rematch!

Game Time! Best. Pong. Game. Ever.

We’ve covered this last edition, but now lets get the staticical break down, shall we?

When Flash gets Unreal.

Here are four reasons why it’s just wrong. Not enough? Here’s one more, but it’s not safe for work.

I… I got nothin’.

I’m Beautiful, Damnit. Gaaaaaaaaaaaay.

I must Destroy the Evil Bear. No idea what’s going on, but wow, does it look good!

Um… There are clever costumes, and then there are clever costumes. This one might get you into trouble this Halloween, though.

Squirrel Power!

Scotsman rocks world of physics, trumps Einstein. If it’s not Scottish, it’s geek!

Product placement now an integrated part of a TV show? I’m just waiting for the Blipverts.

An oldie but goodie; Riddle Me This with “I’m a Cow”.

And finally, in our quest here at IronChuck Presents to educate you on the world of web comics, we give you our Queen of Wands. (Some content not so safe for work.)

Bonus points to you if you actually know what a Blipvert was.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Hot jpeg action!

Sage advice… unless you’re not a kitten lover.

Okay, guys? Please stop, now… freaks!

Working hard to make the cut for the Fat Albert movie?

Odd, yet still not really painful on the eyes… Valkyrie pin-up.

So… does this mean Hell is just a big mosh pit?

I thought I had a joke about hatchbacks and Scotland… but I was wrong; I got nothin’.

Oh, so that’s where it is.

Okay, so some of my female readers have made mention I haven’t considered their needs in these jpeg editions. So, here ya go".

For the rest of us? Mmmmmm

Sure, you’re having a good time, but remember this before you have “just one more”.

What can I say, I like boats.

The aftermath of the all night Everquest gaming session.

This one’s really truly funny if you know each of the strange Japanese fetishes being explored here. I’ll just say it; “Oh, those wacky Japanese.”

This, on the other hand, I have nothin’ to say about.

Sometimes cosplay can actually be very creative. Most times, though, it burns the eyes.

For the Sean Connery fans out there, I give you Zardoz… No, it’s not shopped at all.

Proof that it’s all in the name.

Happy Stormtrooper. Not quite safe for work due to caption.

I… I got a whole lot of nothin’.

Run from the awesome might of dogzilla! Your puppy wants Mothra.

Okay, this just boggles the mind.

Even in the kitchen, I am not impressed.

Just somewhere I wish I were.

A mooo-ving tattoo in a well placed spot.

Oh my gods! They were right… the poor kitty.

Wednesday, October 6, 2004

Zannies for midweek...

A moment of silence, please, as comedy losses another great one.

Sweet Jebus! What the heck is this?

The poor nerds will all asplode over this auction of geekdom goodness on… you guessed it… ebay.

Talk about geekdom… get your Zork here.

Yes, yes; closer… watch these craptacular Star Wars bloopers.

Ah, an internet oldie, but goodie; smacking geekdom in the face.

Game Time! Take a running leap and land in the convertible. Harder then it sounds.

Little did they know, on that fateful city walk, the comedy goldmine they were about to stumble into.

Sad. Wrong. Probably uncomfortably close to reality. And, damn funny.

It’s an invite to Britney’s up for auction on… you guessed it… eBay. (Does anyone care?)


Nice day to fly a kite, huh?

I… I got nothin’.

Ah, the marvelous bread fish!

Read it… just read the article. (I’m too dumbfounded to make a tagline.)

All I can say to that last article is; hot dog?

Oh, I so want one of these!

My eyes! My eyes! Oh gods, it’s cosplay and it burns!

It’s a tiny robot that crawls around in my guts? Wait, I think I’ve seen this movie…

Ironic? Yes. Inflaming the spirit to crazy cold cock the bitch? Oh, definitely.

Something to get us in the mood?

And something for our goth fans… but heed the warnings! What you idiots do on your own is your damn fault.

Nope, not impressed… not even by the chubby one.

Tuesday, October 5, 2004

Running small on time...

Sorry for the small post and the huge gap between them... life's been treating me like a red headed step child. But, less is more, so I'm gonna start running smaller posts more times a week.

I guess I really hate myself...

Sex advice from… cosplayers?!

Ten things I learned at the Strip Club.

G’Ould writes hate messages on his website, asks court to let him use internet to dial Stargate; has authority recognized by all High Counsels of this Galaxy.” System Lords unavailable for comment.

If you think the onions rings are dangerous, you’ve obviously never eaten at White Castle.

Without the pie there is only chaos!

Mel Brooks to make Space Balls the sequel… No, Mel, no!

There’s no toying around with the Book on Mormon.

Duck… because it just looks cool.

Disney to make Bloom County cartoon. This is either really cool, or about to be the biggest animated disaster.

Fish farts and country music win Nobel prizes, still no cure for cancer.


Game Time! Just hove fast is your mouse clicker?

Oh gods, like it’s not tough enough already!

Three g-spots on a woman is bad enough, but now we discover locusts have one, too? Ewww….

It’s the Popeye laptop.

Okay, I don’t know what it is supposed to be, but it’s fun for a few minutes.

Game Time! Fan the dog on the balloon to get through the maze of doom… Only here can you read a line like that.

Halloween fastly approaches and have we got a scary mask for you!

I just had another comic book orgasm.