Saturday, September 10, 2011

Two Hundred and Eighteen!

And here it is; the post to eclipse both 2009 and 2010 combined.

Kind of anti-climactic, I suppose, given that both Neverland Transit Authority, and my office, here, are so quiet while we refurbish the station; something it desperately needs right now.

What's on tap for the rest of 2011? Well, hopefully, we can get the actual physical space of NTA Comics moved so that my new work commute stops eating up my entire life, for starters. The digital space for NTA moves at the end of the month; knock on wood it all goes smoothly. We're also looking to bring more help on board; something I'll be addressing fairly soon.

Once those things get wrapped up, we should be getting under way, again, soon. In the meantime, posting will return here in a limited number; probably for the remainder of the year, for now.

You know, no matter what ends up happening from here on out, I can honestly say that this year sure wasn't dull...

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