Saturday, April 30, 2011

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Scotsman can't catch a break!

Especially on Mondays! It's okay, though;
there's no scotch that goes with lasagna. 

Did you hear that?

I guarantee you'll never "watch" a movie the same way, again...

30 Day Song Challenge: Day Seven - a song that reminds you of an event

He was the dramatic, often overly flamboyant front man for one of the most epic bands to ever come out of Europe; once voted the greatest male singer of all time by Blender and MTV. But he hid a devastating secret... he had contracted HIV and it had become a full blown case of the deadly AIDS virus. Knowing this, he penned and performed this hit as his final testament to his fans, and the world:

Freddie Mercury, born Farrokh Bulsara, was as much a character as he was a talented musician. Every song saw him put himself to task to create, with his fellow band mates, not just music, but a show. From the stadium anthem "We Will Rock You", to the Highlander Ballad "Who wants to Live Forever", and across such hits as "Seaside Rendezvous", "I want it All", "Another One Bites the Dust", "Fat Bottom Girls", and "Find Me Somebody to Love" Freddie Mercury, and Queen, were triumphant in all they accomplished.

But this one song shows the strength of the man as he fought his losing battle. And every time I hear it, I'm back in my living room that fateful late November afternoon in 1991, when the DJ announced the horrid news; Freddie Mercury was dead.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Swing away, little Samurai girl!

Cute AND scary...
I'm excited!

Moon mystery solved...

Classical music... like only Weird Al can deliver.

30 Day Song Challenge: Day six - A song that reminds you of Somewhere...

There are few things as beautiful in sight and as stirring in its silence as a brisk, late winter Oregon; what with its promise of the coming spring and the taste of the holidays still fresh in the tongue. And no song can take me home to that little bridge over the frozen front yard creek like this one can:

"Snow" by Loreena McKennitt is that one song that always takes me back to the crunching sound of snow under my feet and the sharp nip of frost at the tip of my nose. In my mind, I'm eleven, again, standing by the big oak in the front yard that dangles a home made swing over the tiny creek that, though ice covered, still flows through our yard. And I am standing on the little bridge that spans it, dreaming of the day I can take to that swing, again.

It's a what that does what?!

It's a Lego style space helmet that reads comics to kids.

There is no part of this that sucks.

Monday, April 25, 2011

I are a gud spillr...

30 Day Song Challenge: Day Five - a song that reminds you of someone...

I am a karaoke hero.

Well, in my own mind, at least.

And every time I hear this song - or anyone butcher it - I have to give pause:

You see, we used to have a KJ (Karaoke Jockey) out here who was known for singing this song. And, pretty much, just this song. However it was his show that got me hooked on being a weekend rock star, which later led to meeting some amazing people.

And so, every time I hear this ditty, I always think of that one KJ, affectionately (No, not really.) known as "Journey Tom".

Friday, April 22, 2011

Rough Mourning

The Conductor deals with family loss
and the hurt of one of the most respected men in his life,
 in today's special installment of Stuff.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Temporary service closure...

Due to events over the course of the week, Neverland Transit Authority,
as well as The Conductor's Office, will be temporarily closed.
Look for service to resume next week.

We apologize for any inconvenience, and thank you for your patronage.

Now you're cooking... with booze!

Suddenly I have an urge for Grilled Cheese... and I can't even eat cheese.
(NSFW: Bombs are dropped.)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

More powerful than a lame joke...?

Yeah... I got nuthin'.

Called it...

Seriously, who didn't see this coming?
(Yes, I did just do that, thanks.)

30 Day Song Challenge: Day four - a song that makes you sad

Ironically, one of the best musical discoveries I ever made was in a local comic book shop several years ago. Hearing a couple tracks, I ran out to pick up what would turn out to be my introduction to the genre of "Trip Hop".

However, I was unprepared for the depth of the sound and lyrical visuals that were buried deep inside the music. Especially this one particular track that I first heard while driving down Market Street in San Francisco late one night:

The refrain of UNKLE's "Lonely Soul", mixed with the images of the homeless and broken shuffling down the dirty shadows edged by harsh, bright, colored lights is a sobering combination that brings the plight of the lost, poor, helpless, and forgotten in our midst. These are those for whom their is no sun's first light to break the cold of their bleak life's night.

When I hear this song I cannot help but consider, even in the reality of today's world, those that teeter on the edge. Those for who the end can't come soon enough; no matter their circumstance. Because, for some, their is no dawn's promise. Just the loneliness of more darkness...

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Everywhere you look...

30 Day Song Challenge: Day 3 - A song that makes you happy

I'm not sure what it is about certain songs, but sometimes it's the right set of words, with the right voice, and just the right arrangement that just seems to click. Suddenly - BAMF - you're smiling, humming, and maybe even skipping or dancing just a little. (Or, a lot, if you're like me.)

And, while many choices come to mind, none are as fitting an example as this:

Hailing from Seattle, Washington, Jason Webley is a singer song writer who faces each day armed with an accordion and a dream. A dream that sometimes is a technicolor nightmare. But it's okay, because I took my No Doze...

Sorry, where was I?

Oh, yes... Eleven Saints may be no longer available, but you can find lots of great music at his site.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Neverending complex...

30 Day Song Challenge: Day Two - "Least Favorite Song"

Day two's challenge is to pick your "least favorite" song. What does that mean? Well, for me, it means litterally that; of all the songs I call favorites, this pick will be at the bottom of the list.

So, here is my current pick for "least favorite song":

I know, I know; you want to know how... HOW!?... I could pick something from The Decemberists as the bottom of my favorites pile.

Well, at the risk of sounding like a hipster, I've been listening to The Decemberists for a little while, now; having discovered them through local college station KFJC. As I am want to, I immediately ate up the entire back catalog, all of which is exceptionally good, inventive, and full of its own life.

However, this last album, "The King is Dead", really hasn't, to me, seemed to be filled with as much vigor. Maybe it's the more folk route the band took with this latest endeavour, I don't know. Don't get me wrong, there are some good songs on the album. And, The Decemberists remain a top favorite band. Just that this song, as much as the rest of the album, could have used a little more... I don't know... pep?

So, there you go; the least favorite of all my favorite songs.

The SNKT of a claw is nothing next to the snap of a glove...

No one can escape the TSA... no one, bub.


You no longer have any.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

30 Day Song Challenge: Day one - Favorite song

30 Day Song Challenge is a Facebook meme that asks you to share music over the course of a month; each day a song based off of specific request. Always up to a challenge, and a lover of music, I decided to accept. So, each day, here at The Conductor's Office, I will post that day's challenge.

Today's challenge is "your favorite" song. Here's mine:

"Don't Break this Rhythmn" was the B-side (Kids, ask your parents.) to the "Sledgehammer" single by Peter Gabriel. Why, over all the other hits by the man who tops my all time musicians list, is it this obscure song, and not something like, say, "Sledgehammer"?

Simple, really. This song was the one track that introduced me to the ideas of alternative and world music. This one track was the genesis (Pun not intended.) of my understanding of the rest of the world, and the ideal that popular music doesn't have to dictate to me what is enjoyable music.

So, not only is it a really cool song, full of amazing production values, but it holds a special place, for me, in my conciousness.

Failure to launch: Neil DeGrasse Tyson on where Science gets derailed in America

Personal hero, and all around amazing science guy Neil DeGrasse Tyson
bends our ear for a couple hours about science
in America and its possible futures.

At two hours, plus a Q&A session, it's a little long, sure.
But, I promise you, it's well worth the watch.

God is my landlord?

Friday, April 15, 2011


It's new comic Friday at

Fruit train!

"Next stop: Downtown market. Watch your step!"

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The price was right...

This movie scene gets me on a couple levels. Obviously, with
gas prices the way they are, now, it really rattles the old wallet.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who's noticed that the befefit of today's
fuel effecient cars is offset by the skyhigh prices. 

I also remember when you had to actually know
the difference between the two gas types.

Oh yeah, and GET OFF MY LAWN.

The many faces of Anne Hathaway...

Say what you will, that girls got tal-

Well, do they?

I guess that answers that literary question. Sorry, Deckard.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

First Look at new Galactic Gun for 2011!

So, here's the first pass of the first page of Neverland Transit Authority's Galactic Gun: The Adventures of Justin Bailey "The Twisted Case of Station 77". I thought it would be fun to share this rare glimpse into how a page gets built, as it becomes part of the line.

As you can see, it's a pretty loose lay out. Using a non-photo blue pencil, I drop some vague shapes into place, mapping out what, roughly, goes where. Then, where needed, I tighten up and refine some details. On occasion, I sometimes take the loose shapes and fill in "straight ahead"; which is a term that means, basically, without a lay out, plan, or script.

You've no doubt noticed a few missing things, like panels, for starters. While you can see that there is a box noted lightly in blue line, the finished panel will be actually created in the machine; along with one, or two, details and "effects".

I still like to draw as much as I can, however. So, the panel will usually be a mix of my hands and the computer's bytes. I also tend to draw past about where I eyeball the panel to be, just in case. Eventually, the excess lines will be trimmed away to fit. It's a good bet that, when you see something disappearing off frame, that I probably did draw some of what you can't see.

There are a couple of pen mistakes that I can see. Depending on how "fixable" they are, I may, or may not add some lines, rescan, and do a fast clean up. Usually I figure out how I'm going to approach that on a case by case basis.

So, there you go; a basic break down of how things get built in the yard.

Nyan Cat is full of Pop Tart Rainbow win!

How long can you stand to watch?

Badda big badda... horse?

My Little Fifth Element?

Lady Gargin (Lady Gaga vs The Raspoutine Smoked band) by FAROFF

Like it? Get it here.

One man, so many voices...

Meet Nick Pitera; my new musical hero.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Fifty years, and counting!

April 12th, 2011 marks the 50th anniversary of
the first man ,Yuri Gagarin, to orbit the Earth;
officially launching both the space race, and the Space Age.

Glaring realizations...

Oh, don't I know how this goes. Thanks, Sinfest, for today's reality break...

Monday, April 11, 2011

Geekdom loses another great one...

So long Jerry Lawson; hit the ultimate reset and is off to the big save point in the sky.

This may not seem like much to our younger readers, out there.
But Jerry's contribution was phenomenal; as anyone who
grew up with, say, Pong will attest to.

Rockin' the Gamboy music!

Want? Get it here.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sketchings: Pinning up the details and designs

I'm always trying to work out the little details for comics like Galactic Gun.
So, you'll note the control panel and yoke design for Justin's ship, The No. 7,
as well as outfit updates for Kali and Justin. We'll be seeing more of these design
changes in the upcoming full length story "The Twisted case of Station 77".

The gun? It's a work in progress. Fire arms aren't a real strong point, for me. I'm
not what you'd call an aficionado when it comes to them; not by a long shot. It,
however, may be a prop to resurface, later on. So, need to nail it down, now.

Our friend in the corner? Yeah, just there for fun.

Semantics and sanity...

Joke's on the other foot, now...

Remember when you used to joke that W. had the ring?
Not so funny, now, huh?

More guidelines, I suppose...

Wait... There are rules, here?
Why am I always the last to know?!

Genesis 0101011?

Giving the inane a mouth...

I like that, when it comes over me, I can share random thoughts on
life, science, art, or whatever, with ALL my friends at the same time, sure.

I'm not sure the majority of people, though,
see or use it quite the same way.

Friday, April 8, 2011

The eyes have it!

I've heard that the eyes are the window
to the soul...

Well read on my music...

Are you? Well, as the song says;
"Turn the Page."


In case you didn't know, it's new comic Friday over at Neverland Transit Authority!

IronChuck says: CHECK IT OUT!

All geek-queer-feminist, all the time.
It's Cowgirl Astronaut!


In case you haven't heard, Rebecca Black loves Friday.

Of course, some people have a different take on Rebecca Black.

And some people just go nuts over it.
A little moralistic, too.
(Beware: F-bomb dropped.)

From parody we get inspiration?!

Of course, at my house, Friday usually meant Meatloaf.

But what's this?! Maybe, just maybe, it's not the song that sucks...

A case of a little water on the brain...

Or, in this case, a little brain in the water... 2600 year old water, that is.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Taking a toe tappin' train ride from the past...

Just a little diddy to put a spring in your step.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The difference between dogs and cats...

Yeah, let's see a cat do this...


Life is all in how you look at it, I suppose...

Monday, April 4, 2011

Back from on outing...

Why yes, I was at Wondercon last weekend; funny you should ask.
And, now that you mention it, I did pick up a few books by some local, and not so local, indie talent. Actually, yeah; I'm planning on doing a few reviews.

Wow... it's like you could read my mind, or something.

Mrs. Nesbit, I presume?

Cosplay done right... with humour and style.


I guess this is what you'd call a music lover...

Okay, there's loving music...
And then there is THIS!
(Not Safe for Work!!)

The very definition of a keeper!

Awesome one so many levels...

Headlines don't lie...

Sometimes the jokes, they write themselves...

Sunday, April 3, 2011

It is what it is...

Alan Watts talks of the strangeness of existence.

Mercury rising!

Just in case you didn't know, there's a satellite
- the first, EVER - currently orbiting Mercury.
It's getting some amazing pictures.

Scary cats are scary!

I... I think I'll just stay down here.